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Learning About the Newspaper

Grade 4: Let's learn about the Newspaper

What is a newspaper? 

A newspaper is a collection of stories, photos, advertisements, columns and letters that represent the collective news and mood of your community at a given point in time.

Types of Newspaper

National Newspapers: National Post, Globe and Mail

Provincial Newspapers: Edmonton Journals, Calgary Harold

Regional/Local Newspapers: That Us! Often locally owned, family started and some are 60-100 years old. 

Other Regional:

Hinton Voice

Edson: Weekly Anchor

The Rocky Mountaineer

Activity 1: Get to know the newspaper

Activity: Seek and Find 

What you need: 1 piece of paper, 1 pencil, 1 Free Press Newspaper 
  1. Get into teams of 4
  2. On a piece of paper write down numbers 1-5
  3. Find these 5 things in the paper
  4. Bring your answers up to me and shake the bottle when you’re done
  5. Fastest team gets a prize

And Go....

Getting in front of eyeballs: How is the newspaper distributed?

Making sure the newspaper is seen is a big part of having a local newspaper. Distribution channels helps to make this happen. The Free Press has 3 distribution channels.

1. Email Subscriptions

2. Canada Post mail subscriptions

3. Free pickup in retail locations

Fact Checking and Credtiability

“Thou shalt not lie.” Why do you think it is important not to lie? 

Creditability is the foundation of any newspaper. If your readers cannot trust what you are writing you won’t have an audience for long. This is why our editor spend much of his time fact checking, and rechecking facts in the stories we publish.

Activity 2: Examine a story

Read: “Councillor Responds to Allegations” 

What are some facts in this story that needed to be checked?

Activity 3: Telephone fact checking

  1. Get into 2 long lines 
  2. Teacher select 2 people to be “fact checkers”
  3. Beginning at the start whisper message into your neighbours ear, and continue down the line.
  4. Once the message gets to a fact checker, the fact checker will give a thumbs up to continue telephone if the message is correct or go back to the start of the line to restart the telephone if the message is incorrect.  
Here are some sources we use to check facts:

Rewatch boring videos 

Read boring documents

Call people to confirm information

Voice record interviews

Use multiple sources

Discussion: What ways can you check the facts for school projects? 

Jobs at a newspaper

Running a newspaper requires a team. Each person contributes to the success of the paper. Below are some jobs that people have to making a successful local newspaper. 

I write stories, take photos and do interviews.
Amanda Jeffery
Reporter, Freelance
I fact check, write stories, and manage the reporters.
Graham Long
I do marketing, website development, and advertisement sales as well as run the business side of the newspaper.
Brandy Fredrickson
We read the newspaper.
The Local Community
I design our travel guides, special sections and advertisements.
Brittany Belyea
Graphic Designer
I create and send invoices, meet with subscribers, manage the classified sections and manage the sales calendar.
Sarah Renwick
We book ads in the newspaper
Local Business Community
I am a column contributor to the newspaper.
The Local Community

Activity 4: Who does what?

In groups of 4 go to PAGE 1 and PAGE 9 of the newspaper and label who did what.

E = Editor

R = Reporter

GD = Graphic Designer

C = Columnist

S = Sales

Activity 5: Conducting an Interview Speed Style

Interviewing people is a major job of a newspaper reporter. To conduct a good interview you need these three elements: 

1. Questions; open ended
2. Paper and pen, or recorder
3. Listening ears and eyes
Open Ended Questions

Open ended questions are questions that get people talking. The are not yes or no questions. They are “How,” “Who,” and “What” questions. 

Example: How did you feel winning the basketball game? What inspired you to write that story?

Never go to a newspaper interview without a recording device; Paper, pen, voice recorder or texting device. Reporters often quote and paraphrase their subjects and accuracy is key.

Quote: “I love to teach,” Kormysh said. 

Paraphrase: Kormysh said she loves teahing.

Recording Tool
Active listening

Active listening means you are listening with your ears (close your mouth), your eyes and your body language. The key to a good interview is to get the other person talking this means you have to stop talking. 


Speed Interview Game

  1. Take out a piece of paper. 

2. Write down 1 open ended question you can ask your classmates

3. Break out in to two lines 

4. When I say go, line A is going to ask classmates your question and record the answer. 

5. Line A takes A step to the Right, and Line B asks their classmates their question.

6. Record their answers. 

7. Discussion: How was your experience? How accurate did you record? 

Final Activity 6: Photo and Feedback

Take the handout and answer the following question.

A. What is one thing I learned about the newspaper?

B. Gather for a Group Photo