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A summer that doesn’t suck


Bob Dylan said it first, and seldom have the great man’s words been more prophetic.

“You ain’t a-goin’ nowhere.”

As we approach the second summer of the pandemic that just will not end, it looks like none of us will be going much further than a trip to the grocery store. If it’s still open. The US border is closed. Even BC doesn’t seem to want us right now.  This time a couple of years ago my wife and I were in Phoenix. A year or two before that we took a drive to Vancouver. Not this year.

We already know you don’t have to go far to have fun. In the past we’ve enjoyed the occasional trip to Leduc. Yes, really. They have nice walking paths, interesting shops and a pub we like going to when it’s open. Ahh, pubs. I remember pubs. But until the restaurants are running normally again, even a trip like that seems more effort than it’s worth.

But you know, it could be worse. We’re usually blessed with a decent amount of sunshine in this part of Alberta, which goes a long way toward making things seem not that bad. At our house we have a deck that faces south. We have a barbecue, and lawn chairs, and a cooler and a fire pit.


After concerns raised at a pair of public meetings late last year,  interim CAO for Drayton Valley, Pat Vincent, demonstrated the Town’s commitment to businesses and residents by presenting council with a detailed report that spoke to a range of issues at the last Governance and Priorities meeting.

Erik Bergen, a local business owner, came forward on November 20 with a presentation he had put together after having two open meetings with businesses in the community earlier in the fall. In his presentation, Bergen highlighted three main areas of concern: the homeless population, Town services and communications, and the free enterprise market in the community.

Bergen outlined several of those concerns as well as possible solutions for council to consider.

In the report Vincent brought forward, there were five separate responses from management involved in the areas that the businesses had issue with. 

Enforcement services touched on several areas brought forth by Bergen. This included listing the various bylaws and acts that already addressed many of the areas of concern with the homeless population. The Community Standards Bylaw, the Municipal Government Act, and provincial trespassing legislation combined cover sleeping in public places, public disruption, loitering, public urination and defecation, unauthorized encampments, open fire, storage of personal items, and dumpster diving.

Cody Rossing, the manager of enforcement services and emergency management, also outlined areas that the Town could consider to help bolster the current laws surrounding those issues, such as amendments to the Outdoor Restrictions Burning bylaw and some possible amendments to the Community Standards Bylaw.

Rossing also explained that Drayton Valley could not create its own lower level court system to deal with petty crimes. However, he did say the community could petition for more court dates in Drayton Valley, which would allow more time for the courts to deal with all matters.

“Currently, with the scheduling at the Drayton Valley Court of Justice, trial dates are occurring on the same days for criminal code matters, provincial matters and municipal bylaw matters,” he says in his report. “This often results in lower-level offences either being withdrawn, or deals made to have the lower-level items removed so time can be focused on criminal code matters.”

As far as public safety in regards to needles, Rossing says they received only one call in 2023 from a business owner. In the past six months the Town’s Occupational Health and Safety Department only had four reports of Town staff locating needles.

Lola Strand, the manager of community services for the Town, spoke to the number of homeless individuals in the community and the efforts made to address the issue.

She mentioned the 2023 study done by the Rural Development Network, that found there were more than 8,300 individuals in rural Alberta dealing with some sort of housing issue. In Drayton, there were 28 people without homes, 25 people accessing emergency shelters such as the shelter pods or warming hearts, 83 people who were provisionally accommodated through things like couch surfing, and 140 individuals who were at risk of homelessness due to precarious housing.

Strand spoke to the strain enforcement services were dealing with in regard to responding to complaints of unsheltered people. She says the Town received a grant to hire a Community Outreach Worker who is communicating with at-risk individuals to help connect them to resources.


She also pointed out that along with the temporary emergency shelters the Town has put into place, there are also 26 affordable housing units in the community. Humans Helping Humans, the local organization that currently runs the shelter pods, has also built nine homes with grants, donations, and volunteers that have helped 19 families move into the regular housing market.

Strand also suggested the Town could work with the province to build halfway houses, or using grant money to purchase seacans, or trailers that can provide shelters in the encampment around the landfill that many of the homeless population are currently using.

Jenn Stone with intergovernmental relations and communication for the Town, outlined the different ways that the Town communicates with its residents.

The Town has a threefold approach to communication: traditional media, social media, and direct communication.

With advertisements and news stories, the Town works with the Drayton Valley Free Press and Big West Country 92.9. They also have pages on social media, the Town’s website, and YouTube. The electronic sign located at 50 Street and 50 Avenue is also used for communications. On top of those methods, the Town has held open houses, public hearings, direct mail, and door-to-door notices.

By using these different options, the Town is providing several different methods of communication for all age demographics.

Public works also responded to the grievances in the report, specifically in regard to the insect population, weed control, and snow removal.

When it comes to pesticides and herbicides, the individual applying the substances has to be certified and trained in the use of the chemicals. If at any point the Town doesn’t have many employees that meet those criteria, it can be difficult for them to keep up with the applications.

When it comes to insects, the Town only sprays for stinging insects in public spaces. They work to stay on top of the issues and will follow up to check on activity. They also use the public portal the Town provides through their website, to learn about any issues that residents have raised a concern with.

Spraying for weeds also has its challenges. There are limited time frames in which the application will be effective, such as when the weeds are actively growing. Then they also have to work around the weather, as it won’t be as effective if it’s raining. If those two requirements are met, the Town also has to consider any events going on and provide notices to nearby businesses and residents before they begin spraying.

For snow removal on sidewalks, the Town currently clears 53.4 km of asphalt trails and sidewalks in the community. Prior to 2022, the Town was clearing sidewalks in the downtown core, however, an amendment to the snow removal policy in November 2022 removed the downtown core from areas to be cleared.

Public works says if they were to be responsible for removing snow from all sidewalks in the community, they would have to double their staff and equipment to keep up with it. They say it is a common issue with many municipalities and one that is becoming more and more challenging.

The report also addressed the business owners’ concerns surrounding a free market in the community.

Peter Vana, the interim general manager for planning and growth development in the community, says there are legal limits to what the Town can do in regards to limiting businesses.

Vana says the Municipal Government Act grants municipalities the power to regulate businesses, but not prohibit businesses. Vana provided examples of land use regulations in several communities to show the different ways that the issue can be approached.

Along with that, Vana made some suggestions that might help to alleviate the issue, such as making restaurants a discretionary use in all districts, providing varying business license fees, partnering with local businesses to help give them better strategies to succeed.

However, Vana also pointed out some issues with picking a particular sector to regulate. He says were the Town to put in regulations on franchises in the food industry, it should be applied to all industries across the board, including oil and gas, as well as retail, as companies like Walmart or Canadian Tire could be seen as a threat to local businesses.

Vana also mentions that many franchises are owned by local residents, so they are in many ways, just like other local businesses. 

Other problems with restricting franchises that Vana brought forward included that the public would like to have competition as it offers options and keeps prices lower. He also pointed out, using pizza restaurants as an example, that there are eight restaurants that mainly sell pizza, nine other restaurants that sell pizza as a sideline, and two other businesses that occasionally sell pizza as well.

Vana questions whether or not the Town would have to be completely aware of the different items each restaurant sells when deciding whether a business should be allowed or not.

Council accepted the report as information after asking several questions of the departments. Vincent says he made the businesses aware the report was being discussed at the meeting, but there were no representatives for council to ask questions of.

Drayton Valley builds reserves


The Town of Drayton Valley is looking to the future as the municipality works toward having the utilities in the community be self-sustaining services.

Elvera Thomson, the general manager of corporate services for the Town, says in the past, the surpluses from the Town’s utility operations could be anywhere from $2-3 million. Those surpluses didn’t necessarily go into a fund specifically for water and sewer, but there was lots of money being put into reserves in general.

However, there wasn’t a policy that dictated that a certain amount of funds from the water and sewer revenues had to be put in reserves.

“What ended up happening as the years went on and things got tough, we had a series of events that happened with Covid, cost of living, inflation, and more,” says Thomson. “To manage tax increases, we just put less and less into reserves.”

Now, with the looming bill of repairing and replacing integral infrastructure in the community, the Town is putting a policy in place that will ensure the surplus from the utility services will be put into a reserve fund specifically for infrastructure maintenance and replacement.

“We just got to a point where none [of the surpluses] was going into reserves and we need to get back putting a large portion of those going into an internally restricted reserve for water and sewer,” says Thomson.

Those funds will go toward replacing the aging systems for water and sewer in the community. That way, the Town will not have to rely so heavily on debt funding or government grants for the projects.

While the Town was advised by Matt Delormes with the Atlantic Infrastructure Management Network that they need to put away as much as they can to help offset future costs. He told them that the ideal number would be $8 million, but understood that it wasn’t always possible to reach that number.

Thomson says they will not be able to put that amount of money away, but they are now taking conscious steps toward building their reserves.

She says there are many small towns across the country that are in similar situations, as aging infrastructure hasn’t been at the forefront of anyone’s minds until problems are starting to occur.

“It’s not just a municipal problem,” says Thomson. “It’s a provincial and federal problem as well.”

Thomson says that after World War II, there was an infrastructure boom across Canada, and many smaller communities were able to expand. This means that most of that infrastructure is coming due around the same time, and the municipalities are going to be looking toward the provincial and federal government to help with the costs of replacement.

Jordan’s Principle Grant funding delays are disrupting education in an Alberta schools


As of December 20, Wild Rose School Division will be laying off 46 Educational Assistants due to the division not receiving the Jordan’s Principle grant from the Federal Government.

Grant delay impact education assistant funding

Brad Volkman, the superintendent for WRSD, says in the past the funding has come through quickly and without any issues. The grant money is to be used to provide support and services to indigenous youth in the school division.

“Historically, these grants have been approved at the regional level, enabling us to offer critical services without interruption. Based on this expectation, we hired several additional Educational Assistants for the start of the 2024–2025 school year for the purpose of providing support to eligible First Nations students,” says a press release from WRSD.

Human rights tribunal couldn’t meet time demands

However, the Federal Government is currently backlogged when it comes to the grant. A Human Rights Tribunal was held to look into the funding, as it is supposed to be issued quickly as some requests for funds are urgent. They have since ordered the government to take action.

On December 10, 2024, Indigenous Services Canada responded in a report that it was not possible for them to meet the demands of the Tribunal.

Because there is no answer as to when the funding might come through, WRSD had to make the decision for layoffs as they had not budgeted for the positions outside of the grant.

The policy within WRSD is that when layoffs occur, those who are on probationary status, which is 120 days, are the first to be let go. There were 35 part-time and full-time EAs let go because of this policy. However, not all of them worked with Jordan’s Principle students.

One non-probationary EA was laid off, and the remaining ten were voluntary lay-offs, says Volkman.

“What happens is the probationary ones, due to collective agreement requirements, are laid off first, but then we can offer more tenured EAs those positions,” says Volkman.

He says the voluntary lay-offs were EAs working with Jordan’s Principle students who were offered positions with students who have more complex needs. Volkman says they declined the positions and had to be laid off.

“It’s not easy for them because in some cases the job they were offered would have been less hours or [perhaps] they would have been in a location that required them to drive a further distance,” says Volkman.

There are still 95 full-time EAs in the inclusive education department. 

Drayton Valley Ski Hill Closes After 60 Years | Challenges with Weather, Insurance, and Volunteers


After 60 years of operation in the community, the Drayton Valley ski hill has closed its doors.

Weather, Insurance and Volunteers an issue

Randy Beckett, the president of the Drayton Valley Brazeau Snow Club, says there were three main factors that went into the decision to shut down: weather, insurance, and lack of volunteers.

The ski hill was built by volunteers and has been running with volunteers since then. Funding was partially provided by grants, fundraising, and rental and usage fees for the hill. These funds went toward bills like insurance and electricity. They were also used for the maintenance of the ski hill and the equipment. None of the volunteers were paid for their time.

When Beckett stepped into the role of president about eight years ago, the club was in debt and the equipment was in need of repair. A government grant of $17,000 and a massive fundraiser in the community gave them enough money to fix things up.

To round out their services, Beckett says they began to offer tubing. The club recognized that not everyone wanted to ski or were able to ski. Tubing was available to everyone and was less hard on the body. Each of the tubes was sponsored by a company, with the funds going toward the maintenance of the hill.

However, the lack of snow over the past few seasons has meant less use of the ski hill, and therefore less funds coming in.

“Unfortunately, Mother Nature has not been kind to us,” says Beckett.

In 2023, much of the local area didn’t have snow for Christmas. Beckett says the ski hill didn’t even open in the 2023/24 season.

“In my seven or eight years, we only opened three years because of snow,” says Beckett.

Insurance companies stepping away from offering coverage to ski hills

Then there was the issue with insurance. After a court case in B.C. where a customer sued a ski resort, many insurance companies stepped away from offering insurance to ski hills. Beckett says there are now only three underwriters in the world who will consider insuring a ski hill.

“Eleven of us little hills got our insurance canceled [a couple of] years ago,” says Beckett.

Previously, the Rural Municipalities of Alberta covered the insurance of the ski hill. When the insurance was cancelled through RMA, they had to find a new underwriter. The bill for the season was $24,000.

“Our insurance was $24,000 last year and we didn’t open,” says Beckett. 

Finding volunteers to work the ski hill has also been a challenge.

“Everybody has so many different directions to go now in their lives,” he says. “They have just about everything except for time.”

On average, it took ten volunteers to run the ski hill each day. Beckett and his wife had a list of about 80 volunteers they could call on. However, there were times when they called all of those people and none of them were available to fill a shift for someone who had to cancel.

All three of those factors were at play when Beckett received a call from the insurance company in preparation for this season. They needed Beckett to go through everything on the property again, as they felt much of the equipment and the chalet were undervalued.

Beckett explained to them that it didn’t matter what the replacement value was for the chalet or the lift. If they failed or burned down, Beckett says the club would have to close.

With that in mind, he had put in a lower value for the chalet and other items as they would never be using the insurance to replace them. That was the only way they would be able to afford to run the ski hill. The insurance company explained that if he didn’t cover it for at least 90 percent of the replacement value they would get nothing.

“I said take the insurance off of it, I’ll take the risk,” he says.

Then the insurance company started going into details about the rental equipment, and how all of the people renting the bindings and skis had to be trained by the manufacturers in how to use them. 

“What the real issue is, when it comes to insurance companies, is they do not like volunteer organizations in any way,” says Beckett. “Every one of these 11 hills that got their insurance cancelled, I believe, were volunteer organizations.”

Beckett says they feel that the volunteer organizations are unstable, as the volunteers can change regularly and with little notice. 

The rental items for the ski hill will be auctioned off by Team Auctions on their December 7 sale. The property will be sold in the new year.

The Free Press asks – “What are your fondest memories of the Drayton Valley Ski Hill?”

“This fills me with nostalgia and gratitude! I started skiing at this hill at just two years old, and it ignited my love for skiing. My parents nurtured my passion by enrolling me in a ski program, and I spent countless weekends racing and growing. Our hill may not have been the biggest, but it was a place we were able to be kids at while not playing hockey or ringette. My dad and papa selflessly served as ski patrols for years, and we reveled in every moment we spent there. My papa’s dedication to the hill was remarkable as he had welded so many pieces there making it the hill it was today, and I’m deeply thankful for the volunteers who helped shape it into the haven it became. All three of my boys learned to ski on this hill, and I’m forever grateful for the escape and liberation it brought us.” – Leslie Anne Fraizer

“I learned to ski on the hill, my kids learned to ski on the hill. We’ve had many get-togethers on the hill with family and friends. As a volunteer I got to see so many littles learn to ski/snowboard and then advance to be on their own then onto the T-bar. They all get excited when they get to go on the big hill. I’ve spent many hours volunteering there as I was on the board for 20+ years and even when my kids weren’t skiing I was there.It was a great hill for many to learn on, it was in our backyard. When we decided to make the tube part it brought more families out which was great to see. It truly will be missed as I wanted my grandkids to learn how to ski/board this year on it.” – Georgia Frost

“Ooh, so many memories of the ski hill. But I would say the best was learning to snowboard there and getting courage to do the jumps off the hills … It was always fun since it was me and my sister. We had a blast, racing down getting to the bottom and the wind burnt faces ‘cause of it.” – Tricia Cottreau

“I was on the tow rope when a porcupine decided to cross… apparently the rope had enough give to allow the people to push a big loop in it. We were able to continue up the hill and the porcupine was able to continue on its walk about” – Helen Maine

“I have so many memories there as a teen in the mid 1980s… from trying to perfect the “daffy”, “backscratchers” and the “kusak” amongst learning how to telemark.  This little hill with amazing volunteers taught a ton of youth some amazing skills while maintaining a very safe and supportive environment.  I am a ski patrol today because of this little hill and the “gnarly” atmosphere back in the 80s that let youth hone their skills for the mountains.” – Jon Setterlund 

“Watching my son Max snowboard for the first time! And he struggled with the T-bar but never gave up!” – Kathy Schwengler

“The time I knocked myself out cold. Couldn’t stop and hit a pole. That was my last time on skis. I now snowboard. I don’t think there’s any photos of that adventure…got a free sled ride behind the skidoo!!” – Jane Marie Ellis 

“When Devon broke his arm, all the other kids that broke something and the fact that we all thought we had fresh pow days”  – Gord Graham

“Donna and Val Palmer encouraged me to get my Level 1 ski instructor certification and teach ski lessons at the hill. I have so many memories of teaching kids and adults basic skills for skiing. My favourite memories include the Grade 5 visits and instructing a whole class on the tow rope hill. What a great introduction for those kids- who may have never been exposed to skiing.” – Astrid Mitchell

Drayton Valley Food Bank relies on generosity


With an increase in demand for the Drayton Valley Food Bank, volunteers are concerned the facility may not keep up for much longer.

Heather and Phil Bell, the vice president and treasurer respectively, have been with the Food Bank for several years. During that time they’ve noticed a concerning trend in the uptick of users.

So far this year, they have given out hampers to 2,275 people, a stark contrast to the 2023 number of 1,653. Last year was a record year for hampers and this year has blown it out of the water.

Alberta food bank sees increased demand

The Bells says a lot of the hampers are going to families who have parents that work.

“The Food Bank, I feel, is an essential service right now, considering the need,” says Phil. “It’s something that’s heavily relied on.”

If things continue the way they have been, they’re expecting to hand out 2,556 hampers by the end of the year. 

“It’s not just a blip, either,” says Phil. “This is going to continue on.”

Phil says that though they’ve seen increased usage, the generosity of the community has continued to keep up with the demand. Between food donations from local stores and food drives, the food bank has already received around $270,000 of in-kind donations.

“We have such a generous community,” says Heather. “It’s amazing.”

Heather says they are grateful for the building they’re in and the Town’s generosity in letting them use it for free. She says the location is perfect because it allows people more privacy than a location in a busier part of the community. 

“But we’re outgrowing the building,” says Heather. “We’re at the point with our freezer and fridge capacity that the building can’t take anymore fridges and freezers without upgrading the electrical system.”

Space is a challenge for Drayton Valley food bank

Fridge and freezer space are vital in the Christmas season. Heather says in the past, they’ve had to turn away donations of a side of beef because they don’t have the space. Some companies have set up freezers in their buildings and offered the extra storage. Some volunteers also store some items as well.

The Bells say a sea can or some other place where they could store dried goods would be extremely helpful, as well. As it is, they have to store enough food in their building for roughly 30 hampers each pick up day. 

At the beginning of November, the volunteers changed their system, and now only offer hampers on Thursdays. Phil says one recent hamper day saw volunteers hand out 86 hampers in three hours.

Creating that many food hampers also has its challenges. There isn’t a lot of room to put the hampers together and organize them, though Heather says they’ve developed a good system. Volunteers are now prebuilding hampers with dried goods for different sizes of families. On pick up days, all they have to do is go to the fridge and freezer to top the hamper off, and it can go out the door.

Thanks to a grant from the Family and Community Support Services, the Food Bank now has a part-time employee that can help with a lot of the administrative tasks. However, some recent Standards of Excellence put forth by the Federal Government is putting pressure on them as well.

The Standards of Excellence requires all Food Banks to have certain policies and procedures in place if they want to continue to be registered with Food Banks Alberta and Food Banks Canada.

Heather says it’s a great idea in theory, but the 78 page document is a massive undertaking for a busy food bank run by volunteers. Their employee is working on some of the documents, but it’s still a challenge.

“A lot of them are great ideas, but for small food banks, it’s quite overwhelming to comply with that,” says Heather.

Originally, the food banks had until March 2025 to have everything in place, but after feedback, they’ve given the smaller food banks more time to work on it.

The Bells say there are many ways for the community to help out the food bank and they won’t turn down donations if they can help it. They have more volunteers who are going through the orientation and are grateful for the continuing generosity of the community.

Drayton Valley Launches Platform to Match Volunteers with Opportunities


Community members often perform their civic duties in a variety of ways; some vote, most pay their taxes, and some volunteer their time.

The initiative, This Is Drayton Valley (TIDV), is hoping to make it easier for residents to find ways they can volunteer in their community. They’ve launched an online platform,, that helps connect organizations to residents who are looking for a place to volunteer their time.

Jessica Doucette, the chair of the Healthy Community Coalition, says the idea for the platform first began when the HCC were brainstorming ways to offer programs for the clients in the  Youth Hub. The biggest obstacle was finding volunteers to help out with the programs. 

“We came up with this idea about creating an online platform that would make it easier for people to access volunteer opportunities,” says Doucette.

She says at that time, they were mostly considering the Youth Hub and looking for younger volunteers. They felt that an online platform would be the best way to reach out to that demographic.

When Kickstand Alberta became the parent organization of the Youth Hub, they found more challenges. As they were a newer provincial body, they weren’t ready to take on the project for all of their Youth Hubs. Doucette says rather than scrap the idea, they decided to offer it to the larger community.

“We realized it was actually an issue for everybody,” she says.

Originally, they had approached the Chamber of Commerce, who had already tried to make a similar platform. But as the HCC works under the Red Cross, they were told it wasn’t appropriate for them to work with an organization that only represented businesses. They continued to look and finally connected with Ryan Fynn, one of the founders of TIDV, to bring the idea to life.

The platform has been active for a couple of weeks, now, and as of November 22, there were 14 volunteers and 12 organizations on the site.

Fynn says the platform is similar to dating websites, in that the volunteers input information into a profile and then they can be matched with an organization that would best suit them. He says volunteers are encouraged to list things they are passionate about, their relevant skills, experience as a volunteer, how much time they want to commit, and which days they are open to help. Organizations can search for volunteers based on those parameters. 

“For an example, River Valley Players is looking for a part-time musical director,” says Fynn. “If a volunteer says they are passionate about music, they will be connected to them.”

Doucette says the platform can also help people connect with someone with specific skills. “We just recently did a survey through the community parenting coalition, and we found that there’s a large majority of people that are willing to share their gifts with others,” says Doucette. “We just don’t ask the right questions.”

Fynn says it would also work well for finding volunteers for events. By listing their events and indicating what’s all involved in the positions, residents with profiles can find them and help out.

With that in mind, Lil C and I are planning ourselves a summer of fun right here in Drayton Valley.  A trip to Mexico is very much out of the question, but we may be able to make it as far as the Brazeau Dam. Yes, I know it’s not the same, but in the right conditions if you close your eyes and squint, it’s the next best thing. There is sun. There is sand. There is water. It’s like Cancun, but without quite so many drunk Canadians.

So we’re staying put and making the most of what we have. My grandson has a metal detector I’m secretly dying to try out. Buried treasure in Rotary Park seems … unlikely, but a few dollars worth of assorted change would brighten up an afternoon and potentially pay for a couple of ice creams. And if we find more than that, maybe I’ll buy one for him too. 

My other grandson and his sister are now old enough to kick a ball or build a sandcastle. I’ve never really seen the point of babies. They basically just lie there leaking out of both ends. But toddlers are an absolute hoot to be around, especially if someone else is responsible for cleaning up afterwards.

Are you a local looking for things to do in and around Drayton Valley, or Brazeau County. Our award winning editor Graham Long, has got your covered in his weekly summary of things happening in Drayton Valley. Have a read of Next Week’s News each week to get an idea on how to plan your, week. 

Next Week's News: May 16, 2024 Column

Attention motorists, cyclists, pedestrians etc! Construction work on the eastern portion of Drayton Valley’s 50 Avenue is about to get underway. Expect some detours and traffic disruption in the area over the next several weeks. 

Shale Medical is currently trialing a Saturday same day clinic. Depending on feedback and demand they may extend this further. The following dates are slated for the trial: June 15, 9 am – 4 pm, June 22 9 am -4 pm and June 29: 9 am – 4 pm.

The booking procedure is listed on their website and walk-ins will be accepted as well. 

Drayton Valley’s Small Town Big Party is tomorrow, (that’s Friday June 14)  in Omni 3. That means live music from a couple of bands, plus beer gardens and games and all sorts of fun. This is an adult only event and admission is $7. 

Father’s Day is Sunday June 16. For the love of God, no more socks, please!

And after that, it’s time for summer! The most wonderful time of the year officially begins at 8:50 pm, Thursday June 20. 

National Indigenous Peoples Day is a day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada. This year it’s Friday June 21. 

The Lions Club are bringing the fair to Drayton Valley again this month. It’ll be in town June 21, 22, and 23.

The Frank Maddock High School graduation is June 22. Congratulations to everyone who’s graduating from all of our local schools this year. And if you’re heading off to college or university please call or text your parents regularly. You know how they worry. 

June 26 is the last day of school for students in Drayton Valley and Breton, so watch out for bands of feral youth roaming the streets over the next couple of months. 

Don’t forget that  your property taxes are due to be paid by the end of this month. Since June 30 is a Sunday, you probably want to be a few days early, just in case.  If you live in Brazeau County you’ll get a 30 percent rebate if you pay on time, so it’s worth the effort.

And Canada Day is fast approaching. In Drayton Valley there’s a pancake breakfast starting at 7 am at the legion. The parade begins at 10 am and follows the usual route up 50 Avenue and then north on 50 Street. The rest of the activities will be at the Omniplex from 11 am to 3 pm with fireworks at dusk, weather permitting. 

Cut out the middle man and get your Drayton Valley and District Free Press directly to your email inbox. 

Get more activity ideas in for the Drayton Valley and Brazeau County region in our Brazeau and Beyond Travel Guide. 

Head over to our travel guide page to download yours today.

Click here: Brazeau and Beyond 


Now that the Eldorado Elementary School has been completely demolished, crews have started work on tearing down the old  H.W. Pickup Junior High School.

“You can see that they’re starting to take down the building,” says Brad Volkman, the superintendent for the Wild Rose School Division.

Because H.W. Pickup was built on municipal reserve land Volkman says the land will not be going up for sale once the work crews are done. Once the demolition is completed, the property will automatically go back to the Town.

Vandalism reported an Issue

“We don’t take any money for that,” says Volkman. “They just get it back.”

There have been a few instances of vandalism at the old schools, and Volkman says it’s always a safety concern if there is an abandoned building. The division also had to spend money doing what they could to repair damages, such as boarding up windows that had been broken.

“We’re glad to see it coming down,” he says. “We don’t want to see people getting injured or defacing the building.”

Volkman says staff in the division had the opportunity to go through the schools and take any items they wanted out of them. Anything that was left behind became the property of the demolition company.

Playgrounds to be reused

However, Volkman says the playgrounds on both school sites aren’t being completely destroyed. The plan is to have as much of the equipment moved to the new school as they can safely do. He says they will be moved over the summer.

“Most of the one on the Eldorado property will be going to the Powerhouse Campus. One particularly piece will be going to Evergreen,” he says.

In addition to the playgrounds that are being moved over, Volkman says they still have a $250,000 grant from the province to spend on new playground equipment for the campus. He says that the school council also plans to raise funds to help with the new playground.

The school division owned the land where Eldorado was located. Now that the school is down, WRSD has received permission from the Minister of Education to sell that land, with the right of first refusal going to the Town. 


A new proposal could see the creation of a fire rescue college in Lodgepole.

In a presentation to Brazeau County council last week, Erik Ives spoke regarding the Canadian Fire Rescue College (CFRC) which is exploring Lodgepole as a campus location to train firefighters.

The CFRC is an indigenous owned private corporation, which is certified as an educational institution by the government of Canada, 

The college currently operates a facility in Alberta Beach. Core services offered include Firefighter I and II training, HazMat responder training and a wildland firefighter program which is geared toward municipal firefighters.

The proposal would see the organization taking over the provincial boxing facility in Lodgepole, which covers more than 15,000 square feet and includes living quarters, a commercial kitchen and a large gymnasium, and turning it into a campus capable of offering a range of firefighting and  rescue training for as many as 100 trainees by 2026.

The CFRC also envisions the creation of a fire station and a live fire building. 

The estimated overall price tag for the project is a little over $1 million. CFRC staff are working on acquiring grant funding to help offset those costs.

After last week’s presentation, council agreed to write a letter of support for the idea.

Council going live

Starting May 21, county council meetings will be livestreamed online. The County has set up a YouTube channel to allow the public to watch proceedings without having to visit the county office. The link to each meeting will be posted on the County website. Meeting videos will also be archived to allow for viewing at a later date. 

Rec board appointment

Council appointed Rina Saar to serve a two-year term as a member at large on the joint Town of Drayton Valley – Brazeau County Recreation Board. The board is composed of two councillors and one member at large from each municipality. Its mandate is to provide input regarding sport, culture, and recreation programs as designated by town and county councils.


The Drayton Valley Air Cadets Squadron 733 will be celebrating their 60th anniversary this year with a barbecue open to the public.

Lamont Cardinal, the chair of the parent committee for the cadets, says that the cadets are technically turning 63 this year, but the original celebration for their 60th had to be cancelled due to the pandemic.

“We’re now essentially celebrating our sixtieth anniversary,” says Cardinal.

Cardinal says the barbecue will be held on Sunday, April 21 at their headquarters at 5524 Industrial Road. Only a month later, the 38 cadets will also be attending their Annual Ceremonial Revue, where they will be inspected by a member of the Canadian Military.

While the history of the Air Cadets goes back to the 1940s when the Canadian military recognized they would need more trained pilots for the war effort, Squadron 733 wasn’t established until April 22, 1961.

Originally, only boys were able to join the Cadets. However, when the Canadian Government amended legislation changing the word boys to persons in 1975, girls were allowed to enroll.

Captain Tanya Hunt says over the years there have been many people involved in the Cadets.

“Since the formation of the squadron there have been many commanding officers that have helped form and mold the 733 Drayton Valley Air Cadet Squadron we have today. Capt Matt McCullach, Capt Pat Turner, Capt Brian Torpy, Capt Lorna Luchyk, Capt Randy Romanchuk, Capt Paul Spurrell , Capt Mitch Krasey, Capt Heather Guard, Capt Kate Simpson, Capt Gerald Landers and the current commander Capt Tanya Hunt,” says Hunt in an emailed statement.

She says the barbecue is also about promoting the cadets in the community.

While the cadets do follow many military style rules, they are a separate program than the Canadian Armed Forces, says Cardinal. Given that they are Air Cadets, the members spend some of their time focused on flying.

Cardinal says throughout the year, the parents and members fundraise to pay for cadets to go gliding at least one time. They also do some flying in small engine planes.

If the cadets stick with the program and complete all of the ground school and complete all of the training, Cardinal says they can get their private flying license once they graduate from the program. There are also some scholarships that are available through the Air Cadet League of Canada.

He says it’s also a great program to teach kids responsibility and discipline. All of the cadets are given their own uniforms and are completely responsible for the maintenance of that uniform. That includes sewing on patches, washing and ironing the uniform, and shining their boots. 

“It’s all about the self-motivation and self-reliance, along with working as part of a team,” says Cardinal.

He says the cadets are always accepting donations, and all funds donated will go toward programs for the members.


The Drayton Valley RCMP Detachment is looking for a new Staff Sergeant as the current man in charge, Troy Raddatz, heads into retirement.

Raddatz started his time as Staff Sergeant in Drayton Valley in mid-May 2023, just as the community was dealing with the Buck Creek Wildfire. Raddatz hit the ground running with the detachment, and during his time the crime stats have been on a downward trend and the RCMP have been more visible in the community.

Before he was Staff Sergeant in Drayton, Raddatz had spent time in Breton, where he started his career in 2004. In 2010 he moved on to work with the canine unit where he eventually became the program director for dog services in 2017.

In 2023, he decided to make the lateral move to his position in Drayton. He and his wife had life-long friendships from the area, and he was impressed with the detachment in Drayton.

“I really enjoyed my year here, and it was good for my family,” says Raddatz. “We had planned on staying longer, but through a change in our family situation, we decided it was time to retire.”

One of Raddatz’s goals when he first started was seeing the detachment moved to a larger building. While Raddatz has been working diligently on achieving that goal, he says it’s been difficult to get the go ahead from the division.

However, during his last town council meeting report, Raddatz told council that he has been advised that there will be three trailers added to the detachment. He says he has been working with the division to finalize the design for the changes, and he anticipates the trailers will arrive in 2025/26.

“We’re trying to buy ten years for this current detachment,” says Raddatz.

He says during his time in Drayton he’s valued the support that the detachment has received from both the Town and Brazeau County, as well as members of the community. 

And Raddatz says he has been happy with the detachment and feels like he’s leaving it in good hands.

“Drayton Valley has a really incredible detachment, and the community is in good hands there,” says Raddatz.

His last day as Staff Sergeant is April 11, and in the meantime, Sergeant Ryan Hoetmer will be the Interim Staff Sergeant until a replacement is found.


The parent advisory council at Winfield Elementary are worried about the future of their school.

Carolyn Schwindt, the president of the school’s PAC, says some motions that the Wetaskiwin Regional Public School Division recently put forward in their board meeting are concerning.

Schwindt says this year the division has a new superintendent, Mike Wake, and Schwindt says that he’s been great to work with so far. However, she doesn’t agree with some of the ideas brought forward for calculating when a school should be closed.

“There’s always been discussion in Wetaskiwin Public Schools on the potential need for closure,” says Schwindt. “We’ve got low enrollment across the board in all schools.”

Schwindt says there are many factors at play when it comes to the enrollment at Winfield. Currently, the school has 63 students and also houses the community’s public library. Schwindt says there are multiple programs that use the school, such as the playschool and gymnastics club.

The motions that were put forward suggested that the school be closed if enrollment was below 60 students. Schwindt says if the number for closure is that close to the number of currently enrolled students, no one can really be certain if the school will stay open from year to year. 

She worries this could affect whether teachers look for positions at the school. Or perhaps parents would move their children prematurely because the school might close.

She says since the pandemic, there has been an increase in the number of home-schooled students in the area, which has lowered student enrollment. Allowing families to pick a school of choice for their children also affects the numbers in the schools.

Schwindt says Wake has been focusing on the reason for low numbers and has been actively looking for solutions to the problem.

His most recent proposal was to ask the provincial government for funds to build a K-12 school for the Buck Lake family of schools in the Alder Flats area. Another area that was considered was the Pigeon Lake family of schools becoming consolidated.

But Schwindt says those two school families have schools spread out over a large area. Already, some students are looking at bus rides that are an hour or more in some of those areas. Should the schools be consolidated, many of those bus rides could increase significantly.

As it is, students who choose to go to high school in WRPS rather than the Breton High School with the school of choice option, have to travel to Buck Mountain High School. The distance from Winfield to the Buck Mountain school is 27 kms, and takes about seventeen minutes of straight drive time.

Another thing Schwindt worries about is what would happen to the community should the school be closed.

As of 2011, Winfield had 244 residents. One of the major employers in the area is the school and its closure could have a ripple effect throughout the community.

Schwindt says she has spoken to Wetaskiwin County Council about the issue, but there is little they can do.

Kathy Rooyakkers, the councillor for Division 6 in Wetaskiwin County, says the idea of the school potentially being shut down next year worries her.

“It will affect them big time,” says Rooyakkers.

Rooyakkers says that unfortunately the County cannot stop anything WRPS plans to do. She says they have the opportunity to meet with the division a few times a year, where they discuss issues that concern both the County and the division, but all they can do is give their opinions about the situation.

“At the table, we don’t get a decision,” says Rooyakkers.

She says it’s frustrating, but there isn’t much they can do. At this point, she says the County has not discussed what they would do should the school be closed. She says there may be some other options that could be considered, such as creating a charter school, but council can’t make any changes…

Full story in the April 4, Free Press. Become an email subscriber at

And I might make the effort to teach Lil C to play golf. The problem is that I’m nowhere near good enough at the game myself to teach anybody anything, except how to repair a divot and the best place to look for lost balls. But still, it’s a possibility, although there’s the danger that she might turn out to be better at it than I am and then we’d have to get divorced. 

So maybe golf’s not such a great idea. But we’ll come up with something else. We’re only limited by our imagination. 

My point is that it won’t quite be the summer we might have hoped for; but life’s what you make of it. And time at home doesn’t mean we can’t find a way (or lots of ways) to enjoy ourselves.

I hope you can too.

Are you a local looking for things to do in and around Drayton Valley, or Brazeau County. Our award winning editor Graham Long, has got your covered in his weekly summary of things happening in Drayton Valley. Have a read of Next Week’s News each week to get an idea on how to plan your, week. 

Next Week's News: May 16, 2024 Column

Attention motorists, cyclists, pedestrians etc! Construction work on the eastern portion of Drayton Valley’s 50 Avenue is about to get underway. Expect some detours and traffic disruption in the area over the next several weeks. 

Shale Medical is currently trialing a Saturday same day clinic. Depending on feedback and demand they may extend this further. The following dates are slated for the trial: June 15, 9 am – 4 pm, June 22 9 am -4 pm and June 29: 9 am – 4 pm.

The booking procedure is listed on their website and walk-ins will be accepted as well. 

Drayton Valley’s Small Town Big Party is tomorrow, (that’s Friday June 14)  in Omni 3. That means live music from a couple of bands, plus beer gardens and games and all sorts of fun. This is an adult only event and admission is $7. 

Father’s Day is Sunday June 16. For the love of God, no more socks, please!

And after that, it’s time for summer! The most wonderful time of the year officially begins at 8:50 pm, Thursday June 20. 

National Indigenous Peoples Day is a day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada. This year it’s Friday June 21. 

The Lions Club are bringing the fair to Drayton Valley again this month. It’ll be in town June 21, 22, and 23.

The Frank Maddock High School graduation is June 22. Congratulations to everyone who’s graduating from all of our local schools this year. And if you’re heading off to college or university please call or text your parents regularly. You know how they worry. 

June 26 is the last day of school for students in Drayton Valley and Breton, so watch out for bands of feral youth roaming the streets over the next couple of months. 

Don’t forget that  your property taxes are due to be paid by the end of this month. Since June 30 is a Sunday, you probably want to be a few days early, just in case.  If you live in Brazeau County you’ll get a 30 percent rebate if you pay on time, so it’s worth the effort.

And Canada Day is fast approaching. In Drayton Valley there’s a pancake breakfast starting at 7 am at the legion. The parade begins at 10 am and follows the usual route up 50 Avenue and then north on 50 Street. The rest of the activities will be at the Omniplex from 11 am to 3 pm with fireworks at dusk, weather permitting. 

Cut out the middle man and get your Drayton Valley and District Free Press directly to your email inbox. 

Get more activity ideas in for the Drayton Valley and Brazeau County region in our Brazeau and Beyond Travel Guide. 

Head over to our travel guide page to download yours today.

Click here: Brazeau and Beyond 


Now that the Eldorado Elementary School has been completely demolished, crews have started work on tearing down the old  H.W. Pickup Junior High School.

“You can see that they’re starting to take down the building,” says Brad Volkman, the superintendent for the Wild Rose School Division.

Because H.W. Pickup was built on municipal reserve land Volkman says the land will not be going up for sale once the work crews are done. Once the demolition is completed, the property will automatically go back to the Town.

Vandalism reported an Issue

“We don’t take any money for that,” says Volkman. “They just get it back.”

There have been a few instances of vandalism at the old schools, and Volkman says it’s always a safety concern if there is an abandoned building. The division also had to spend money doing what they could to repair damages, such as boarding up windows that had been broken.

“We’re glad to see it coming down,” he says. “We don’t want to see people getting injured or defacing the building.”

Volkman says staff in the division had the opportunity to go through the schools and take any items they wanted out of them. Anything that was left behind became the property of the demolition company.

Playgrounds to be reused

However, Volkman says the playgrounds on both school sites aren’t being completely destroyed. The plan is to have as much of the equipment moved to the new school as they can safely do. He says they will be moved over the summer.

“Most of the one on the Eldorado property will be going to the Powerhouse Campus. One particularly piece will be going to Evergreen,” he says.

In addition to the playgrounds that are being moved over, Volkman says they still have a $250,000 grant from the province to spend on new playground equipment for the campus. He says that the school council also plans to raise funds to help with the new playground.

The school division owned the land where Eldorado was located. Now that the school is down, WRSD has received permission from the Minister of Education to sell that land, with the right of first refusal going to the Town. 


A new proposal could see the creation of a fire rescue college in Lodgepole.

In a presentation to Brazeau County council last week, Erik Ives spoke regarding the Canadian Fire Rescue College (CFRC) which is exploring Lodgepole as a campus location to train firefighters.

The CFRC is an indigenous owned private corporation, which is certified as an educational institution by the government of Canada, 

The college currently operates a facility in Alberta Beach. Core services offered include Firefighter I and II training, HazMat responder training and a wildland firefighter program which is geared toward municipal firefighters.

The proposal would see the organization taking over the provincial boxing facility in Lodgepole, which covers more than 15,000 square feet and includes living quarters, a commercial kitchen and a large gymnasium, and turning it into a campus capable of offering a range of firefighting and  rescue training for as many as 100 trainees by 2026.

The CFRC also envisions the creation of a fire station and a live fire building. 

The estimated overall price tag for the project is a little over $1 million. CFRC staff are working on acquiring grant funding to help offset those costs.

After last week’s presentation, council agreed to write a letter of support for the idea.

Council going live

Starting May 21, county council meetings will be livestreamed online. The County has set up a YouTube channel to allow the public to watch proceedings without having to visit the county office. The link to each meeting will be posted on the County website. Meeting videos will also be archived to allow for viewing at a later date. 

Rec board appointment

Council appointed Rina Saar to serve a two-year term as a member at large on the joint Town of Drayton Valley – Brazeau County Recreation Board. The board is composed of two councillors and one member at large from each municipality. Its mandate is to provide input regarding sport, culture, and recreation programs as designated by town and county councils.


The Drayton Valley Air Cadets Squadron 733 will be celebrating their 60th anniversary this year with a barbecue open to the public.

Lamont Cardinal, the chair of the parent committee for the cadets, says that the cadets are technically turning 63 this year, but the original celebration for their 60th had to be cancelled due to the pandemic.

“We’re now essentially celebrating our sixtieth anniversary,” says Cardinal.

Cardinal says the barbecue will be held on Sunday, April 21 at their headquarters at 5524 Industrial Road. Only a month later, the 38 cadets will also be attending their Annual Ceremonial Revue, where they will be inspected by a member of the Canadian Military.

While the history of the Air Cadets goes back to the 1940s when the Canadian military recognized they would need more trained pilots for the war effort, Squadron 733 wasn’t established until April 22, 1961.

Originally, only boys were able to join the Cadets. However, when the Canadian Government amended legislation changing the word boys to persons in 1975, girls were allowed to enroll.

Captain Tanya Hunt says over the years there have been many people involved in the Cadets.

“Since the formation of the squadron there have been many commanding officers that have helped form and mold the 733 Drayton Valley Air Cadet Squadron we have today. Capt Matt McCullach, Capt Pat Turner, Capt Brian Torpy, Capt Lorna Luchyk, Capt Randy Romanchuk, Capt Paul Spurrell , Capt Mitch Krasey, Capt Heather Guard, Capt Kate Simpson, Capt Gerald Landers and the current commander Capt Tanya Hunt,” says Hunt in an emailed statement.

She says the barbecue is also about promoting the cadets in the community.

While the cadets do follow many military style rules, they are a separate program than the Canadian Armed Forces, says Cardinal. Given that they are Air Cadets, the members spend some of their time focused on flying.

Cardinal says throughout the year, the parents and members fundraise to pay for cadets to go gliding at least one time. They also do some flying in small engine planes.

If the cadets stick with the program and complete all of the ground school and complete all of the training, Cardinal says they can get their private flying license once they graduate from the program. There are also some scholarships that are available through the Air Cadet League of Canada.

He says it’s also a great program to teach kids responsibility and discipline. All of the cadets are given their own uniforms and are completely responsible for the maintenance of that uniform. That includes sewing on patches, washing and ironing the uniform, and shining their boots. 

“It’s all about the self-motivation and self-reliance, along with working as part of a team,” says Cardinal.

He says the cadets are always accepting donations, and all funds donated will go toward programs for the members.


The Drayton Valley RCMP Detachment is looking for a new Staff Sergeant as the current man in charge, Troy Raddatz, heads into retirement.

Raddatz started his time as Staff Sergeant in Drayton Valley in mid-May 2023, just as the community was dealing with the Buck Creek Wildfire. Raddatz hit the ground running with the detachment, and during his time the crime stats have been on a downward trend and the RCMP have been more visible in the community.

Before he was Staff Sergeant in Drayton, Raddatz had spent time in Breton, where he started his career in 2004. In 2010 he moved on to work with the canine unit where he eventually became the program director for dog services in 2017.

In 2023, he decided to make the lateral move to his position in Drayton. He and his wife had life-long friendships from the area, and he was impressed with the detachment in Drayton.

“I really enjoyed my year here, and it was good for my family,” says Raddatz. “We had planned on staying longer, but through a change in our family situation, we decided it was time to retire.”

One of Raddatz’s goals when he first started was seeing the detachment moved to a larger building. While Raddatz has been working diligently on achieving that goal, he says it’s been difficult to get the go ahead from the division.

However, during his last town council meeting report, Raddatz told council that he has been advised that there will be three trailers added to the detachment. He says he has been working with the division to finalize the design for the changes, and he anticipates the trailers will arrive in 2025/26.

“We’re trying to buy ten years for this current detachment,” says Raddatz.

He says during his time in Drayton he’s valued the support that the detachment has received from both the Town and Brazeau County, as well as members of the community. 

And Raddatz says he has been happy with the detachment and feels like he’s leaving it in good hands.

“Drayton Valley has a really incredible detachment, and the community is in good hands there,” says Raddatz.

His last day as Staff Sergeant is April 11, and in the meantime, Sergeant Ryan Hoetmer will be the Interim Staff Sergeant until a replacement is found.


The parent advisory council at Winfield Elementary are worried about the future of their school.

Carolyn Schwindt, the president of the school’s PAC, says some motions that the Wetaskiwin Regional Public School Division recently put forward in their board meeting are concerning.

Schwindt says this year the division has a new superintendent, Mike Wake, and Schwindt says that he’s been great to work with so far. However, she doesn’t agree with some of the ideas brought forward for calculating when a school should be closed.

“There’s always been discussion in Wetaskiwin Public Schools on the potential need for closure,” says Schwindt. “We’ve got low enrollment across the board in all schools.”

Schwindt says there are many factors at play when it comes to the enrollment at Winfield. Currently, the school has 63 students and also houses the community’s public library. Schwindt says there are multiple programs that use the school, such as the playschool and gymnastics club.

The motions that were put forward suggested that the school be closed if enrollment was below 60 students. Schwindt says if the number for closure is that close to the number of currently enrolled students, no one can really be certain if the school will stay open from year to year. 

She worries this could affect whether teachers look for positions at the school. Or perhaps parents would move their children prematurely because the school might close.

She says since the pandemic, there has been an increase in the number of home-schooled students in the area, which has lowered student enrollment. Allowing families to pick a school of choice for their children also affects the numbers in the schools.

Schwindt says Wake has been focusing on the reason for low numbers and has been actively looking for solutions to the problem.

His most recent proposal was to ask the provincial government for funds to build a K-12 school for the Buck Lake family of schools in the Alder Flats area. Another area that was considered was the Pigeon Lake family of schools becoming consolidated.

But Schwindt says those two school families have schools spread out over a large area. Already, some students are looking at bus rides that are an hour or more in some of those areas. Should the schools be consolidated, many of those bus rides could increase significantly.

As it is, students who choose to go to high school in WRPS rather than the Breton High School with the school of choice option, have to travel to Buck Mountain High School. The distance from Winfield to the Buck Mountain school is 27 kms, and takes about seventeen minutes of straight drive time.

Another thing Schwindt worries about is what would happen to the community should the school be closed.

As of 2011, Winfield had 244 residents. One of the major employers in the area is the school and its closure could have a ripple effect throughout the community.

Schwindt says she has spoken to Wetaskiwin County Council about the issue, but there is little they can do.

Kathy Rooyakkers, the councillor for Division 6 in Wetaskiwin County, says the idea of the school potentially being shut down next year worries her.

“It will affect them big time,” says Rooyakkers.

Rooyakkers says that unfortunately the County cannot stop anything WRPS plans to do. She says they have the opportunity to meet with the division a few times a year, where they discuss issues that concern both the County and the division, but all they can do is give their opinions about the situation.

“At the table, we don’t get a decision,” says Rooyakkers.

She says it’s frustrating, but there isn’t much they can do. At this point, she says the County has not discussed what they would do should the school be closed. She says there may be some other options that could be considered, such as creating a charter school, but council can’t make any changes…

Full story in the April 4, Free Press. Become an email subscriber at

Drayton really does have talent

Drayton Valley’s River Valley Players provided two well produced showcases for our local talent last weekend. Drayton Valley Has Talent 2024 junior and adult showcases were held the afternoon and evening of September 21 on the Pembina Stage of Eleanor Pickup Arts Centre in downtown Drayton Valley.

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New Staff Sergeant is a familiar face

Ryan Hoetmer was first stationed in Drayton Valley in 2017 as a corporal overseeing the three man general investigation section (GIS) for the detachment. Prior to his transfer to Drayton Valley, Hoetmer was working in Grande Prairie as part of the Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team (ALERT) task force, dealing with organized crime and drug trafficking.

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Graham Long

Graham Long has over 20 years journalism experience working with rural Alberta newspapers. He has experience in municipal communication has has sat on numerous board in his capacity as a former town councillor. He is currently the Editor at the Drayton Valley and District Free Press.