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Bus association reaches end of the road


All good things must come to an end. The Drayton Valley Community Bus Association, which has been a fixture in the area since the 1970s, has ceased operations.

In an interview with the Free Press last week, Wendell Smith, the association’s treasurer, said a number of factors played a part in the decision to close effective December 21 last year. The majority of those factors revolved around increasing expenses and declining ridership. 

“Diesel fuel is higher, insurance is higher. People don’t want to pay,” he said. 

The bus association has played an important part in the growth of Drayton Valley. It was incorporated in May of 1973 by local business owners who were concerned about highway safety and who wanted to contribute something positive to the community.

“They bought a bus and founded the bus association and it’s been running ever since,” said Smith.

Over the last half century the bus association has covered hundreds of thousands of kilometres taking local residents to events across this part of Alberta and further afield. Many of those journeys were on school field trips or for minor hockey or other sports.  Smith, who has been driving since 2001, said he’s happy to have played a part in the lives of so many local residents and is proud of the association’s record for getting people where they needed to be.

“We drove the Thunder for 25 years,” he said. “In all those years we were never late for an out of town game.”

Smith says at one point the association operated as many as “six or seven” buses. However, changing times have seen increasing numbers of potential riders using their own vehicles to attend out of town events. In recent years the number of buses operated by the association decreased to three; a 58 passenger coach, a 21 passenger mini bus and a 44 passenger school bus. Declining demand for busing means that those vehicles will now be put up for sale.

“The economy is hurting everybody,” he said. “If the economy isn’t booming people don’t have the money to hire a bus. I can’t blame any business for not using the service … The money’s just not there.”

Graham Long

Graham Long has over 20 years journalism experience working with rural Alberta newspapers. He has experience in municipal communication has has sat on numerous board in his capacity as a former town councillor. He is currently the Editor at the Drayton Valley and District Free Press.