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Man found guilty in traffic death


A man is awaiting sentence after being found guilty in relation to a traffic collision which claimed the life of a woman from the Tomahawk area. 

The incident took place August 24 2017 and took close to four years to come to trial after a lengthy RCMP investigation.

Several points about the events of that evening were not in dispute. During a Court of Queen’s Bench hearing both the defence and prosecution agreed that Trisha Jabs, 36, died at the scene of a motor vehicle rollover on a stretch of Hwy 759 between her home and the hamlet of Tomahawk. There was agreement that the vehicle had been speeding, possibly in excess of 200 km/hr, and that it rolled several times before coming to a stop. What was not agreed upon was the question of who was driving at the time.

Last week Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Shaina Leonard ruled that the owner of the car, Dean Mitchell Black, had been behind the wheel when the collision took place and convicted him of dangerous driving and criminal negligence causing death.

Black’s defence counsel had argued that Jabs had been driving, with Black in the passenger seat.  However, after hearing evidence from a number of witnesses, including first responders on the scene, Leonard concluded that was not the case.

Grade 4: Let's learn about the Newspaper

What is a newspaper? 

A newspaper is a collection of stories, photos, advertisements, columns and letters that represent the collective news and mood of your community at a given point in time.

Types of Newspaper

National Newspapers: National Post, Globe and Mail

Provincial Newspapers: Edmonton Journals, Calgary Harold

Regional/Local Newspapers: That Us! Often locally owned, family started and some are 60-100 years old. 

Other Regional:

Hinton Voice

Edson: Weekly Anchor

The Rocky Mountaineer

Activity 1: Get to know the newspaper

Activity: Seek and Find 

What you need: 1 piece of paper, 1 pencil, 1 Free Press Newspaper 
  1. Get into teams of 4
  2. On a piece of paper write down numbers 1-5
  3. Find these 5 things in the paper
  4. Bring your answers up to me and shake the bottle when you’re done
  5. Fastest team gets a prize

And Go....

Getting in front of eyeballs: How is the newspaper distributed?

Making sure the newspaper is seen is a big part of having a local newspaper. Distribution channels helps to make this happen. The Free Press has 3 distribution channels.

1. Email Subscriptions

2. Canada Post mail subscriptions

3. Free pickup in retail locations

Fact Checking and Credtiability

“Thou shalt not lie.” Why do you think it is important not to lie? 

Creditability is the foundation of any newspaper. If your readers cannot trust what you are writing you won’t have an audience for long. This is why our editor spend much of his time fact checking, and rechecking facts in the stories we publish.

Activity 2: Examine a story

Read: “Councillor Responds to Allegations” 

What are some facts in this story that needed to be checked?

Activity 3: Telephone fact checking

  1. Get into 2 long lines 
  2. Teacher select 2 people to be “fact checkers”
  3. Beginning at the start whisper message into your neighbours ear, and continue down the line.
  4. Once the message gets to a fact checker, the fact checker will give a thumbs up to continue telephone if the message is correct or go back to the start of the line to restart the telephone if the message is incorrect.  
Here are some sources we use to check facts:

Rewatch boring videos 

Read boring documents

Call people to confirm information

Voice record interviews

Use multiple sources

Discussion: What ways can you check the facts for school projects? 

Jobs at a newspaper

Running a newspaper requires a team. Each person contributes to the success of the paper. Below are some jobs that people have to making a successful local newspaper. 

I write stories, take photos and do interviews.
Amanda Jeffery
Reporter, Freelance
I fact check, write stories, and manage the reporters.
Graham Long
I do marketing, website development, and advertisement sales as well as run the business side of the newspaper.
Brandy Fredrickson
We read the newspaper.
The Local Community
I design our travel guides, special sections and advertisements.
Brittany Belyea
Graphic Designer
I create and send invoices, meet with subscribers, manage the classified sections and manage the sales calendar.
Sarah Renwick
We book ads in the newspaper
Local Business Community
I am a column contributor to the newspaper.
The Local Community

Activity 4: Who does what?

In groups of 4 go to PAGE 1 and PAGE 9 of the newspaper and label who did what.

E = Editor

R = Reporter

GD = Graphic Designer

C = Columnist

S = Sales

Activity 5: Conducting an Interview Speed Style

Interviewing people is a major job of a newspaper reporter. To conduct a good interview you need these three elements: 

1. Questions; open ended
2. Paper and pen, or recorder
3. Listening ears and eyes
Open Ended Questions

Open ended questions are questions that get people talking. The are not yes or no questions. They are “How,” “Who,” and “What” questions. 

Example: How did you feel winning the basketball game? What inspired you to write that story?

Never go to a newspaper interview without a recording device; Paper, pen, voice recorder or texting device. Reporters often quote and paraphrase their subjects and accuracy is key.

Quote: “I love to teach,” Kormysh said. 

Paraphrase: Kormysh said she loves teahing.

Recording Tool
Active listening

Active listening means you are listening with your ears (close your mouth), your eyes and your body language. The key to a good interview is to get the other person talking this means you have to stop talking. 


Speed Interview Game

  1. Take out a piece of paper. 

2. Write down 1 open ended question you can ask your classmates

3. Break out in to two lines 

4. When I say go, line A is going to ask classmates your question and record the answer. 

5. Line A takes A step to the Right, and Line B asks their classmates their question.

6. Record their answers. 

7. Discussion: How was your experience? How accurate did you record? 

Final Activity 6: Photo and Feedback

Take the handout and answer the following question.

A. What is one thing I learned about the newspaper?

B. Gather for a Group Photo 



Police in Drayton Valley have seen an increase in the last year of arrests made under the Mental Health Act. Earlier this month Staff Sergeant Ryan Hoetmer told town council that calls of that type have seen a steady increase over the past several years, and they remain a big drain on resources for the Town.

Hoetmer explained that when the officers take somebody into custody under the act, they then take that person to the Centennial Centre for Mental Health in Ponoka. He says the drive itself eats up several hours of the officer’s time, but they also have to wait until staff at the centre take over.

He said the Centennial Centre has been working to make the intake process more efficient. In the past, officers have had to wait a couple of hours. Now, he says they make a call when they are on their way, and usually the intake is complete within half an hour.

When asked how long people are kept at the hospital, Hoetmer explained that they were normally kept for a week or two. At most, he believes they might be kept for a month.

Many of their calls under the Mental Health Act are from people the RCMP are already aware of, and Hoetmer says it can be a challenge keeping on top of those cases.

He says the RCMP bring the subject into the hospital. Once they are deemed healthy enough to depart, the person is often sent back to their community in a cab. After that, the individuals are in the same position they were in prior to the process beginning.

“I’m a big believer that there’s a bit of a gap there,” said Hoetmer. “When they are sent in a cab back to Drayton, they’re put back into the same position as before. There is no follow up program or some place for them to go in between.”

He said often RCMP watch the individuals as their mental health slowly declines until they have the grounds to apprehend them again.

Councillor Amila Gammana asked Hoetmer if he felt the reason people were being released on such a short timeline was due to a lack of resources. Hoetmer said he wasn’t sure what the reason for it was and that Alberta Health Services would better be able to answer that.

“I would hope it’s not a resourcing concern, that when the doctor is making their determination they are healthy enough to leave the facility,” he said. “But they have pressures, I’m sure, just like everybody else.”

Mayor Nancy Dodds asked Hoetmer if he’d seen an increase in resources since the new pillar ministries had been put into place, but Hoetmer says thus far they haven’t seen a change.

“We still have our one [Regional Police and Crisis Team] that operates out of Rocky, but as I’ve talked about before they are in our community maybe once a week,” said Hoetmer.

This means if there is an emergent issue that requires a response, the RPACT are not the ones who are responding to the call. It is instead left to the members of the Drayton Valley detachment. 

“They do lots of follow up for us, but it’s our members that are doing the apprehensions and are going to the crisis when it’s happening,” said Hoetmer.

Support group for new Canadians


Moving to a new place can be stressful even if you are only moving one town over, but if you’re coming in from a different country, it can be overwhelming.

Verna Wicks, with Drayton Valley Community Learning (DVCL), is working together with other organizations in the community to build a Newcomers Support Team. The group is geared toward connecting people moving to the town or county with services they will need to get established.

What might feel like common sense to many people is not so easy for New Canadians. If they aren’t fluent in English or don’t know anyone in the area, setting up basics, like bank accounts and getting set up with Alberta Health Care could seem nearly impossible.

Wicks says interested parties decided to offer those supports early in 2024, but it wasn’t until DVCL received some grant funding last fall that they were able to hire someone for the group.

She says there are a number of groups who have been involved in setting up the  team, including Family and Community Support Services, Alberta Health Services, the Multicultural Association, the library, the Town, the Chamber of Commerce, the Alberta Government, and many members of the public.

Similar to the Youth Hub, the support team is aiming to be a one stop connection point for newcomers. Wicks says the goal is to open a welcome centre that they can be directed to. At the centre, the newcomers will be connected with people and services in the community to help get them settled in.

Along with information and support, Wicks says they hope to also be able to give out a care package.

“We’re hoping that we’ll have some supplies for them if they need clothing or things for babies,” says Wicks.

The team would also like to host social events to help them meet new people. Last fall, they held their first welcoming event.

“That was open to newcomers and people from the community who wanted to welcome them,” she says.

Right now, the team is looking around the area to see which services are already being offered. Then, if they find any gaps, they can step up and provide something to meet those needs.

They are also putting together a document that can be given to immigrants in the community. She says it will contain a lot of basic information including contacts for different religious groups, and contacts for community and emergency services.

Wicks says there’s also a balance that the team needs to find. Right now there are many newcomers coming to the community. Some are refugees, some are looking for work, and others are coming through programs like the Rural Renewal Stream. However, the amount of newcomers may not always be so high.

She says there are also concerns about steady government funding. Recently, the federal government announced they would be cutting back on funding for support services for new immigrants. While the brunt of that will likely be felt in larger centres, Wicks says it’s making them cautious about asking for funds from any level of government.

The grant the team received in 2024 was renewed for 2025, but they won’t know for sure if it’s renewed for 2026 late 2025 or early 2026.

Anyone looking for more information about the team or the support they provide can reach out to Wicks at 

Bus association reaches end of the road


All good things must come to an end. The Drayton Valley Community Bus Association, which has been a fixture in the area since the 1970s, has ceased operations.

In an interview with the Free Press last week, Wendell Smith, the association’s treasurer, said a number of factors played a part in the decision to close effective December 21 last year. The majority of those factors revolved around increasing expenses and declining ridership. 

“Diesel fuel is higher, insurance is higher. People don’t want to pay,” he said. 

The bus association has played an important part in the growth of Drayton Valley. It was incorporated in May of 1973 by local business owners who were concerned about highway safety and who wanted to contribute something positive to the community.

“They bought a bus and founded the bus association and it’s been running ever since,” said Smith.

Over the last half century the bus association has covered hundreds of thousands of kilometres taking local residents to events across this part of Alberta and further afield. Many of those journeys were on school field trips or for minor hockey or other sports.  Smith, who has been driving since 2001, said he’s happy to have played a part in the lives of so many local residents and is proud of the association’s record for getting people where they needed to be.

“We drove the Thunder for 25 years,” he said. “In all those years we were never late for an out of town game.”

Smith says at one point the association operated as many as “six or seven” buses. However, changing times have seen increasing numbers of potential riders using their own vehicles to attend out of town events. In recent years the number of buses operated by the association decreased to three; a 58 passenger coach, a 21 passenger mini bus and a 44 passenger school bus. Declining demand for busing means that those vehicles will now be put up for sale.

“The economy is hurting everybody,” he said. “If the economy isn’t booming people don’t have the money to hire a bus. I can’t blame any business for not using the service … The money’s just not there.”

Town responds to business concerns


After concerns raised at a pair of public meetings late last year,  interim CAO for Drayton Valley, Pat Vincent, demonstrated the Town’s commitment to businesses and residents by presenting council with a detailed report that spoke to a range of issues at the last Governance and Priorities meeting.

Erik Bergen, a local business owner, came forward on November 20 with a presentation he had put together after having two open meetings with businesses in the community earlier in the fall. In his presentation, Bergen highlighted three main areas of concern: the homeless population, Town services and communications, and the free enterprise market in the community.

Bergen outlined several of those concerns as well as possible solutions for council to consider.

In the report Vincent brought forward, there were five separate responses from management involved in the areas that the businesses had issue with. 

Enforcement services touched on several areas brought forth by Bergen. This included listing the various bylaws and acts that already addressed many of the areas of concern with the homeless population. The Community Standards Bylaw, the Municipal Government Act, and provincial trespassing legislation combined cover sleeping in public places, public disruption, loitering, public urination and defecation, unauthorized encampments, open fire, storage of personal items, and dumpster diving.

Cody Rossing, the manager of enforcement services and emergency management, also outlined areas that the Town could consider to help bolster the current laws surrounding those issues, such as amendments to the Outdoor Restrictions Burning bylaw and some possible amendments to the Community Standards Bylaw.

Rossing also explained that Drayton Valley could not create its own lower level court system to deal with petty crimes. However, he did say the community could petition for more court dates in Drayton Valley, which would allow more time for the courts to deal with all matters.

“Currently, with the scheduling at the Drayton Valley Court of Justice, trial dates are occurring on the same days for criminal code matters, provincial matters and municipal bylaw matters,” he says in his report. “This often results in lower-level offences either being withdrawn, or deals made to have the lower-level items removed so time can be focused on criminal code matters.”

As far as public safety in regards to needles, Rossing says they received only one call in 2023 from a business owner. In the past six months the Town’s Occupational Health and Safety Department only had four reports of Town staff locating needles.

Lola Strand, the manager of community services for the Town, spoke to the number of homeless individuals in the community and the efforts made to address the issue.

She mentioned the 2023 study done by the Rural Development Network, that found there were more than 8,300 individuals in rural Alberta dealing with some sort of housing issue. In Drayton, there were 28 people without homes, 25 people accessing emergency shelters such as the shelter pods or warming hearts, 83 people who were provisionally accommodated through things like couch surfing, and 140 individuals who were at risk of homelessness due to precarious housing.

Strand spoke to the strain enforcement services were dealing with in regard to responding to complaints of unsheltered people. She says the Town received a grant to hire a Community Outreach Worker who is communicating with at-risk individuals to help connect them to resources.


She also pointed out that along with the temporary emergency shelters the Town has put into place, there are also 26 affordable housing units in the community. Humans Helping Humans, the local organization that currently runs the shelter pods, has also built nine homes with grants, donations, and volunteers that have helped 19 families move into the regular housing market.

Strand also suggested the Town could work with the province to build halfway houses, or using grant money to purchase seacans, or trailers that can provide shelters in the encampment around the landfill that many of the homeless population are currently using.

Jenn Stone with intergovernmental relations and communication for the Town, outlined the different ways that the Town communicates with its residents.

The Town has a threefold approach to communication: traditional media, social media, and direct communication.

With advertisements and news stories, the Town works with the Drayton Valley Free Press and Big West Country 92.9. They also have pages on social media, the Town’s website, and YouTube. The electronic sign located at 50 Street and 50 Avenue is also used for communications. On top of those methods, the Town has held open houses, public hearings, direct mail, and door-to-door notices.

By using these different options, the Town is providing several different methods of communication for all age demographics.

Public works also responded to the grievances in the report, specifically in regard to the insect population, weed control, and snow removal.

When it comes to pesticides and herbicides, the individual applying the substances has to be certified and trained in the use of the chemicals. If at any point the Town doesn’t have many employees that meet those criteria, it can be difficult for them to keep up with the applications.

When it comes to insects, the Town only sprays for stinging insects in public spaces. They work to stay on top of the issues and will follow up to check on activity. They also use the public portal the Town provides through their website, to learn about any issues that residents have raised a concern with.

Spraying for weeds also has its challenges. There are limited time frames in which the application will be effective, such as when the weeds are actively growing. Then they also have to work around the weather, as it won’t be as effective if it’s raining. If those two requirements are met, the Town also has to consider any events going on and provide notices to nearby businesses and residents before they begin spraying.

For snow removal on sidewalks, the Town currently clears 53.4 km of asphalt trails and sidewalks in the community. Prior to 2022, the Town was clearing sidewalks in the downtown core, however, an amendment to the snow removal policy in November 2022 removed the downtown core from areas to be cleared.

Public works says if they were to be responsible for removing snow from all sidewalks in the community, they would have to double their staff and equipment to keep up with it. They say it is a common issue with many municipalities and one that is becoming more and more challenging.

The report also addressed the business owners’ concerns surrounding a free market in the community.

Peter Vana, the interim general manager for planning and growth development in the community, says there are legal limits to what the Town can do in regards to limiting businesses.

Vana says the Municipal Government Act grants municipalities the power to regulate businesses, but not prohibit businesses. Vana provided examples of land use regulations in several communities to show the different ways that the issue can be approached.

Along with that, Vana made some suggestions that might help to alleviate the issue, such as making restaurants a discretionary use in all districts, providing varying business license fees, partnering with local businesses to help give them better strategies to succeed.

However, Vana also pointed out some issues with picking a particular sector to regulate. He says were the Town to put in regulations on franchises in the food industry, it should be applied to all industries across the board, including oil and gas, as well as retail, as companies like Walmart or Canadian Tire could be seen as a threat to local businesses.

Vana also mentions that many franchises are owned by local residents, so they are in many ways, just like other local businesses. 

Other problems with restricting franchises that Vana brought forward included that the public would like to have competition as it offers options and keeps prices lower. He also pointed out, using pizza restaurants as an example, that there are eight restaurants that mainly sell pizza, nine other restaurants that sell pizza as a sideline, and two other businesses that occasionally sell pizza as well.

Vana questions whether or not the Town would have to be completely aware of the different items each restaurant sells when deciding whether a business should be allowed or not.

Council accepted the report as information after asking several questions of the departments. Vincent says he made the businesses aware the report was being discussed at the meeting, but there were no representatives for council to ask questions of.

Drayton Valley builds reserves


The Town of Drayton Valley is looking to the future as the municipality works toward having the utilities in the community be self-sustaining services.

Elvera Thomson, the general manager of corporate services for the Town, says in the past, the surpluses from the Town’s utility operations could be anywhere from $2-3 million. Those surpluses didn’t necessarily go into a fund specifically for water and sewer, but there was lots of money being put into reserves in general.

However, there wasn’t a policy that dictated that a certain amount of funds from the water and sewer revenues had to be put in reserves.

“What ended up happening as the years went on and things got tough, we had a series of events that happened with Covid, cost of living, inflation, and more,” says Thomson. “To manage tax increases, we just put less and less into reserves.”

Now, with the looming bill of repairing and replacing integral infrastructure in the community, the Town is putting a policy in place that will ensure the surplus from the utility services will be put into a reserve fund specifically for infrastructure maintenance and replacement.

“We just got to a point where none [of the surpluses] was going into reserves and we need to get back putting a large portion of those going into an internally restricted reserve for water and sewer,” says Thomson.

Those funds will go toward replacing the aging systems for water and sewer in the community. That way, the Town will not have to rely so heavily on debt funding or government grants for the projects.

While the Town was advised by Matt Delormes with the Atlantic Infrastructure Management Network that they need to put away as much as they can to help offset future costs. He told them that the ideal number would be $8 million, but understood that it wasn’t always possible to reach that number.

Thomson says they will not be able to put that amount of money away, but they are now taking conscious steps toward building their reserves.

She says there are many small towns across the country that are in similar situations, as aging infrastructure hasn’t been at the forefront of anyone’s minds until problems are starting to occur.

“It’s not just a municipal problem,” says Thomson. “It’s a provincial and federal problem as well.”

Thomson says that after World War II, there was an infrastructure boom across Canada, and many smaller communities were able to expand. This means that most of that infrastructure is coming due around the same time, and the municipalities are going to be looking toward the provincial and federal government to help with the costs of replacement.

“When all of the elements of the physical evidence are considered together, it leads to no other rational conclusion than that Mr. Black was the driver of the vehicle,” she said in a written judgement.

Black suffered spinal injuries and a fractured rib in the crash. 

During the trial Black had entered guilty pleas to other charges including breaching a no contact order with Jabs. He is due to be sentenced on all charges at a later date. 


Businesses will see some changes to the local Rural Renewal Stream program come into effect on November 13.

The program, offered through the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program, allows business owners to bring in skilled workers from outside of the province or country. It also allows business owners who employ staff on a Temporary Work Visa to endorse them for permanent residency through the program.

At the October 30 town council meeting, Kundiso Nyambirai, the growth services manager, explained that they had 300 applications that they were reviewing. Between March 2023 and August 2024, the Town had endorsed 200 of those applications for consideration to the Province.

Nyambirai explained that the Province has now put a system into place to make it easier to sort through the applications on their end.

The points based system gives a better idea of which applications are most likely to be considered or approved for those municipalities endorsing them. Nyambirai says his department is reviewing the applications to see which ones would have enough points to be considered by the Province. 

However, the Province is limited in the number of applications that it can put through. There are more than 70 municipalities and districts participating in the program, and the Province only has 1,900 spots they can approve in 2024.

“We are over-subscribing,” says Nyambirai. “We are endorsing 200 plus people.”

In August, the Town decided to make some changes to the way that the program would work in the community. This included limiting the number of applications to 100 each year, while also limiting the number of applications a business can submit to five. Nyambirai also suggested that limiting applications to workers who already resided in the community could help to ensure that the Town does have housing available for these applicants.

Nyambirai says the Province is currently sorting through 1,000 applications to decide on the remaining spots for the year. Councillor Monika Sherriffs agreed that the Town is sending in a higher than average amount of endorsements, stating that if there are 1,000 being considered and Drayton Valley has sent in 200, then we would be sending in many more applications than other municipalities. 

Councillor Amila Gammana disagreed, saying that he believed other communities are likely doing the same. He says the real question is how many of those endorsements are receiving approval from the Province.

Nyambirai says that the municipalities are not made aware of which endorsements are approved. He says that looking into that number by contacting applicants would be very time consuming, so they cannot be sure how many of Drayton Valley’s businesses’ applications have been accepted for the program.

Sponsored Content

In the age where there’s a constant drive for more and more content, coming up with ideas of how to promote your business can become a full time job on its own. I mean – you signed up to be a business owner right? Not a videographer, copywriter, or graphic designer. The good news is print advertising works differently from the social platforms that have you constantly chasing the next batch of likes and shares. 

Print advertising with your local newspaper gets you off the hamster wheel and connects you with a copywriter, graphic designer, and an ad planner who are actually interested in learning the ins and outs of your business. This person or people will work with you to generate creative ideas within your marketing budget. With their help you can get your creative juices flowing again and find ways to not just push content but to craft creative content that will be seen and prompts action.

Print ads are consumed like fine wine. Readers look at print ads longer and deeper than they do the disruptive advertising found on other media platforms. Tell me in the last time that you’ve binge scrolled your social media feeds – How many ads do you actually remember seeing? I am betting, not many. 

Print ads are non-disruptive content for newspaper readers and therefore get the attention they truly deserve. They have a longer lasting impact for readers, and after all, deepening the relationship with customers is really what you are looking to do. 

So here are some ways you can position your local business with print advertising.

  • Thought leadership: Be a thought leader in the regional landscape of your  industry. Use an ad space for how-to content, data presentation on regional trends. Newspaper readers are readers and so are more likely to read long form advertisements with interesting information. You can reuse this information on your website blogs, social platforms, podcasts and the like.
  • Be action oriented: Ads are there to move the needle forward. A call to action can be as simple as moving an interested person from the print ad to “Check out our online store”  – print to digital is easy to do in both the print and digital formats of your local newspaper. Using click through options and QR codes to specific URLs makes the cross over from print to digital platforms seamless. 
  • Event marketing: Discovering local events in the community newspaper is one of the top interest points for local readers. But don’t just churn out a generic “Come to our event”. Remember our readers enjoy spending time with the paper. Capitalize on that. When you advertise an event in the newspaper you have an opportunity to make an intimate connection so don’t treat it like a fly by night ad. Make it engaging, personal, and relevant. 
  • Coupons and promotions: If you are a retailer or a restaurant that has deals and promotions, newspaper readers take notice! Not only does the use of coupons help you track the effectiveness of your ad it also gets people in the door where you can start to deepen your client relationship.
  • Minimize or maximize. When people book a print ad they tend to want to throw everything into it. This creates a cluttered, hard to read ad. Instead take the space to promote your one product or service that tends to get people in the door, then cross promote once you are in contact with your prospective client.  Alternatively you can also use the space to create an organized product catalogue, or flier page that showcases a number of products but in an organized and thematic fashion. 

By contacting your local newspaper you don’t just get an ad, you expand your marketing team exponentially. You get access to our professionals and we help you to figure out the direction you are looking to go with your business. 


One local youth has seen his hard work with 4-H pay off after being selected as one of 12 youth  to show their steers at the 2025 Calgary Stampede Junior Steer Classic.

Hunter Harris is a third generation 4-H member and has been part of the organization since he was 12 years old. Not only does he show cattle for 4-H, he’s also been entering open shows for the past two years. He says showing cattle is just a natural extension of his life as the son and grandson of farmers.

“I think it’s really important to know where your food comes from and I really enjoy showing,” says Harris. He says he also feels like he’s staying true to his heritage working in agriculture, which he is something he is proud of and wants to continue doing.

As an ambassador, Harris got his choice of steer from the OH Ranch this month. At the next Calgary Stampede, he will bring that steer back to show in the Calgary Stampede Junior Steer Classic under a special category for OH Beef.

He says being chosen as an ambassador is an honour and he’s excited to use the opportunity to help educate people about the importance of the industry.

“I think it means putting myself out there and trying to put out a positive image for both the Calgary Stampede and the beef industry as a whole,” says Harris. “As an ambassador, I feel I have the responsibility to try and promote the show world, the beef industry, and this way of life as much as I can.”

Beef showing a competitive sport 

He says there is a lot of work that goes into showing and that he considers it a competitive sport, no different than horse showing or dog showing. Each year, Harris works with the steer or heifer he’s chosen. He’s responsible for feeding it, grooming it, and training it, which means spending time with it nearly every day for more than half a year.

“You’ve got to put in a ton of time. You have to be able to halter break it and get it tame,” says Harris. “There’s a process of training it to stand a certain way, how to respond to certain cues when you’re pulling on their halter, and how they should lead and behave in the show ring.”

It’s also important to put time into research about the proper feed for the steer. Harris says the type of food they are fed will greatly impact the standing in competition as well as the sale of the steer for butcher. He says there is a certain balance between fat and muscle that needs to be kept to make good meat.

At the show, all of the cattle get a fitting from the competitors to make sure they look their best when in the ring.

“It’s kind of like hairstyling, but for cows, in a sense,” he says.

Fitting involves cleaning the cow, blow drying them, clipping them, brushing tufts and styling them in certain ways to make the cow look its best in the show.

“It kind of brings out the best traits in them so they look like a better market animal,” he says.

Harris says he plans to attend more open shows this year and hopefully have the opportunity to help educate people about the industry. In the past, he’s spoken with young spectators at events who come up to see his cow and shared a little bit about the importance of the event.

“I just wanted to make sure they were enjoying themselves and that they learned something,” says Harris. “The ladies that were showing [the children] around were learning stuff, too. I think it’s really important to try and connect with everyone on all levels and tell them what an amazing sport it is and how important it is.”

He says that sometimes it can be sad to see the cow go after working with it for so long. But Harris says it’s important for him to remember why he is doing it in the first place, and that families will be fed well because of his efforts.

While Harris is still contemplating what the future could hold for himself in terms of a career, he’s pretty certain that he will likely end up working with cattle and in the agriculture industry. He’s already been working on building up his own herd with his time and money, and a little bit of help from his family. He feels that this will give him a headstart in life and also makes a good choice as an ambassador.

“My parents have been extremely supportive of it, and they’ve helped me out a ton,” he says.

Harris believes his experience in working with his herd makes him more knowledgeable about the industry. He’s been learning about the traditions and the work that goes into maintaining a herd, including breeding, feeding, and the general well-being of the animals.

“I think that makes me a better showman and in a better position to be an ambassador,” he says.

Those who wish to know how Harris’ steer holds up to the other 11 ambassadors will have to wait until the July 2025 Calgary Stampede or hope to catch him at one of the several shows he plans to attend.


Tomahawk to receive a $1 million dollar upgrade

For the first time ever, the Tomahawk School volleyball team was able to host a home game thanks to their new gym.

Tracey Gilmour, the new principal for the school, says the new gym was a $1 million project. It was started last May and was finally finished on October 16, hours before their opening game.

“They were bringing the scissor lift out as we brought in the net,” says Gilmour.

The Timberwolves went on to win their first home game against the Muir Lake Mustangs.

“They were a little bit worried that actually performing at home would put some pressure on them,” says Gilmour. “But they did great.”

“I was very nervous and excited at the same time,” says Layla Chausse, one of the Timberwolves.

Team practice was a challenge in the past

While the school has always had team sports, Gilmour says it’s been a challenge for the teams to practice, and they’ve never been able to host a game before. The size of the gym wasn’t necessarily the problem. The issue was a large stage that took up about a third of the space in the room.

Gilmour says the stage made it difficult for the students to play any type of sports in the gym. She says small games could work, but a full sized game wasn’t possible.

The previous principal, Fran Bell, really advocated for the students saying they should have equal opportunities to access sports and extracurriculars. 

“Parkland School Division stepped up and made that investment in our school,” says Gilmour.

After years of playing away games, the team was happy to finally get to play on their home turf.

“It was really nice to play in the gym for the first time,” says Josie Woodruff, one of the players. “We’re especially grateful to be able to play a home game.” She says their team has never had the opportunity to play in a new gym before.

The fact that they were the very first people to use the gym was something the team enjoyed, as well.

Strocher says winning is just icing on the cake

“We were really excited to have our first home game and be the first ones to play in that gym,” says Isabelle Strocher. She says winning that first game was just icing on the cake.

Up until the home opener, the girls had been practicing outside on a paved area near the school. Gilmour says it hasn’t been easy for the team, but they persevered, and had won every single game going into the home opener.

“Honestly, I think what got them through was their amazing team spirit,” says Gilmour. “I’ve never seen anything like it. They’re so supportive of each other.”

That team spirit has helped the Timberwolves make it into the playoffs this year.

“We’ve finished our placement games,” says Judith Munch. “Now we just have playoffs, and we’re hoping to host one, too.”


Members of business community voice concerns over local issues

Some local businesses gathered last week to voice concerns, propose possible solutions, and brainstorm a presentation to put before town council.

Erik Bergen, one of the owners of the Drayton Valley Bakery, held a meeting on October 9 and invited all businesses in the community to come out. Bergen wanted to hear their thoughts on three specific topics: homelessness, essential service administration and the Town’s free enterprise policy.

Bergen says the idea about having a presentation has been on his mind for several months. He says he’s spoken to many business owners who feel frustrated with the Town and the direction council is taking. However, he says he felt that if everybody only talked about it and no one went to the town, nothing would get accomplished.

Along with business owners, the organizers of Warming Hearts and members of the public attended the event.

Homelessness and franchises stir debate

Bergen prepared a presentation for the event, and reviewed it several times as people came and went as they were able. He also had a petition available for attendees to sign.

As he went over his presentation, Bergen says it was difficult to focus on the problems and solutions rather than opinions.

“It did derail a little bit, just because of the opposite points of view, especially regarding the homeless,” he says.

There were some attendees who viewed the homeless issue from a more humanitarian point of view and others that felt a heavier hand was needed. But Bergen says it’s important to 

remember that not all homeless people are causing the issue. There are some individuals who are making it difficult for everyone. 

“I don’t want to group all people into one basket,” says Bergen. “There are people who are homeless because their house burned down or were dealt a bad hand.”

Another topic that brought up differing opinions was new franchises coming into the community. In his presentation, Bergen argued that by simply leaving the door open for any new businesses in the community, council was putting a strain on businesses that were already established.

According to Bergen, there is about one restaurant (or registered kitchen) for every 95 people in the community. There are more than eight liquor stores and six cannabis stores, 12 pizza places and more than one of some franchises.

He believes that a lack of direction from council in this matter is making it difficult for businesses to do well. Bergen says his concern is protecting the current businesses that the town already has in place and allow them to flourish.

“A lot of these restaurant owners say that they’re one franchise away from closing their doors,” says Bergen.

Town services and the need for improvement

Bergen says that many people have also noticed a disparity in the services the Town offers the community. For example, there are a number of different “nice” things the Town has spent money on like the pumptrack, disc golf, the pool etc. However, there are some struggles with providing basic services such as regular road maintenance, weed control and pest management.

“Maybe they are doing the best they can do, or maybe they got pushed to the back burner,” says Bergen.

He says that he got a lot of feedback from those who attended the meeting. As it was his first time attempting anything like this, there was a learning curve and Bergen says he’s looking forward to making improvements at another meeting that will be held at the beginning of November.

Bergen’s plan is to present a list of complaints with possible solutions to council in November.


The Town is making some changes to its Facility Code of Conduct in an effort to ensure its facilities aren’t being misused.

Cody Rossing, the manager of enforcement and emergency management, presented council with a proposed amendment to the Code of Conduct. Rossing says the Code of Conduct was put in place in August 2016. Since council expressed concern surrounding enforcement of removing homeless individuals from the Civic Centre vestibule, administration reviewed the code and came up with some suggestions.

Rossing says there are several different prohibitions that were not included in the original Code of Conduct. Most of the changes were stronger wording surrounding loitering and failing to comply with signage. While the original code prohibited smoking, it did not mention vaping, so Rossing says they have changed that.

The wording surrounding service animals was also changed to match provincial law.

The proposed changes also give more power to facility managers when it comes to banning individuals from Town facilities. They will be able to ban individuals for up to seven days. General managers and peace officers will also be able to suspend someone for up to six months. CAOs will be able to ban someone for more than six months if necessary.

“It’s putting in those different layers so the CAO isn’t involved in everything,” says Rossing.

He says there are also changes to wording surrounding the appeals process of someone who has been banned for more than 24 hours. 

“And it clarifies that if someone is contravening their suspension or expulsion, then they are considered trespassing and law enforcement will be made aware for further actions,” says Rossing.

Councillor Colin Clarke raised concerns about the bans, asking if a ban from Town facilities meant all Town-owned buildings, even if there were tennants operating out of some of them. He says he worried that banning someone from the Omniplex might affect their ability to go to the Food Bank or other necessary services.

Hans van Klaveren, the acting CAO, says that typically the operator is setting those guidelines or rules for their building.

Councillor Tom McGee also spoke about the Warming Hearts Centre as the Town helps to fund the rent for the facility through grants.

In the end, it was decided that if a tenant wanted to have someone trespassed, they would contact Rossing and it would be treated like other businesses in the community. Their bans will only apply to Town owned and operated facilities.

“I’m glad to see we’re addressing this and putting the structure in place to give you the tools to do something about it,” says Councillor Rick Evans.

“I think that, in the end, our residents are going to appreciate our efforts to make the use of our facilities more enjoyable and safe, ultimately.”

Corb Lund and band on stage, top photo

Corb Lund plays to a packed house

Corb Lund live at the Eleanor Pickup Art Centre. A sold-out crowd enjoyed an acoustic trio set with the Hurtin’ Albertans, blending heartfelt ballads, fan favorites, and cowboy-inspired storytelling. VIP perks, exclusive merch, and a thrilling encore made this Alberta performance unforgettable

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Graham Long

Graham Long has over 20 years journalism experience working with rural Alberta newspapers. He has experience in municipal communication has has sat on numerous board in his capacity as a former town councillor. He is currently the Editor at the Drayton Valley and District Free Press.