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Meet the candidates for mayor


By this time next week Drayton Valley will have a new mayor. Before you make your choice at the ballot box on Monday we wanted to give you a little more information on the two candidates who are seeking Drayton Valley’s top job. We asked Corey Peebles and Nancy Dodds to answer 10 questions in their own words. Below are their responses.

Skip to Nancy Dodds

Skip to Corey Peebles

Who is Nancy Dodds?

Why do you want to be mayor?  

I believe Drayton Valley residents want and need a mayor that will lead the community with openness, transparency, and good governance. Who is fully committed to put in the hard work and has the community in mind.

I love this community, the spirit of hope, innovation and drive resonates within me. I want to give back to my home, ensure everyone’s voices are heard and create a safe, thriving community for years to come.

I have the experience, education and knowledge to continue pushing forward. I know how to build consensus through hard work and achieve success. I am so inspired and excited to be the voice and the action to create a community that works for all of us and is stronger together..

 What do you like best about Drayton Valley? 

Drayton Valley is a wonderful community full of spirited, strong residents, and endless opportunities.  I love the work hard, play hard mindset, the innovation and creativity that runs deep in our roots. When crisis hits, we pull together. 

What’s your favourite TV show? 

Not a TV show kind of person, I’m more of a binge watcher when I get the chance. Love a good Apple or Netflix series…too many to pick a favourite.

Who was your childhood hero? 

I have three : Wonder woman – I have a scar on my head that connects us. Bob Geldof – As a child I was inspired by the movement he started and wanted to make a difference. It inspired me to make a difference in the world and fight for things I believe in. My Mom – One of the hardest working women I know and she would drop everything if I needed her.

What are your hobbies/interests?  

Time with family, I love the seasons and getting outdoors; skiing, snowboarding, skating, nature, meditation, qigong, chess, designing and a good book!

What’s your proudest accomplishment? 

University graduate!  I started my post-secondary studies fresh out of high school with a love for architecture and drafting, however I did not graduate.

I overcame the fear, and decided to go back to school while I owned a business (partnership), family and having two young daughters. I decided instead of building houses I would build cities,  and out of this came my education and passion for Land Use Planning and Development.

What have you been hearing from people during the campaign? 

They are proud of the community that they live in and are generally happy. They’re happy to see me and thank me for coming out. Some of the areas of concern are pot holes, homelessness, rural crime and the need for local enforcement.

How would your friends describe you? 

Organized, dependable, hard working and creative. 

What’s something about you people don’t know? 

I have a yellow belt in Tae Kwon do. I know what you’re thinking, “ it’s not a black belt.”  But this is where the seeds of knowledge have really been planted and I sure do love sparring.

Where would you like to see Drayton Valley in four years? 

We seem to have hit a few bumps in the road over the last few years, but our journey is changing. The next four years are going to be exciting for Drayton Valley. We will build an asset management plan that prioritizes our projects and looks at the best possible investment decisions for our infrastructure assets. Our local College is buzzing with students, creating entrepreneurial opportunities and transitioning students into job placements. Our economy is thriving and moving forward, creating opportunities for everyone. A healthy, safe vibrant community with endless opportunities has made its way back into our community. The spirit is high and we are stronger together. 


The Drayton Valley RCMP Detachment is looking for a new Staff Sergeant as the current man in charge, Troy Raddatz, heads into retirement.

Raddatz started his time as Staff Sergeant in Drayton Valley in mid-May 2023, just as the community was dealing with the Buck Creek Wildfire. Raddatz hit the ground running with the detachment, and during his time the crime stats have been on a downward trend and the RCMP have been more visible in the community.

Before he was Staff Sergeant in Drayton, Raddatz had spent time in Breton, where he started his career in 2004. In 2010 he moved on to work with the canine unit where he eventually became the program director for dog services in 2017.

In 2023, he decided to make the lateral move to his position in Drayton. He and his wife had life-long friendships from the area, and he was impressed with the detachment in Drayton.

“I really enjoyed my year here, and it was good for my family,” says Raddatz. “We had planned on staying longer, but through a change in our family situation, we decided it was time to retire.”

One of Raddatz’s goals when he first started was seeing the detachment moved to a larger building. While Raddatz has been working diligently on achieving that goal, he says it’s been difficult to get the go ahead from the division.

However, during his last town council meeting report, Raddatz told council that he has been advised that there will be three trailers added to the detachment. He says he has been working with the division to finalize the design for the changes, and he anticipates the trailers will arrive in 2025/26.

“We’re trying to buy ten years for this current detachment,” says Raddatz.

He says during his time in Drayton he’s valued the support that the detachment has received from both the Town and Brazeau County, as well as members of the community. 

And Raddatz says he has been happy with the detachment and feels like he’s leaving it in good hands.

“Drayton Valley has a really incredible detachment, and the community is in good hands there,” says Raddatz.

His last day as Staff Sergeant is April 11, and in the meantime, Sergeant Ryan Hoetmer will be the Interim Staff Sergeant until a replacement is found.

Concern over Winfield School


The parent advisory council at Winfield Elementary are worried about the future of their school.

Carolyn Schwindt, the president of the school’s PAC, says some motions that the Wetaskiwin Regional Public School Division recently put forward in their board meeting are concerning.

Schwindt says this year the division has a new superintendent, Mike Wake, and Schwindt says that he’s been great to work with so far. However, she doesn’t agree with some of the ideas brought forward for calculating when a school should be closed.

“There’s always been discussion in Wetaskiwin Public Schools on the potential need for closure,” says Schwindt. “We’ve got low enrollment across the board in all schools.”

Schwindt says there are many factors at play when it comes to the enrollment at Winfield. Currently, the school has 63 students and also houses the community’s public library. Schwindt says there are multiple programs that use the school, such as the playschool and gymnastics club.

The motions that were put forward suggested that the school be closed if enrollment was below 60 students. Schwindt says if the number for closure is that close to the number of currently enrolled students, no one can really be certain if the school will stay open from year to year. 

She worries this could affect whether teachers look for positions at the school. Or perhaps parents would move their children prematurely because the school might close.

She says since the pandemic, there has been an increase in the number of home-schooled students in the area, which has lowered student enrollment. Allowing families to pick a school of choice for their children also affects the numbers in the schools.

Schwindt says Wake has been focusing on the reason for low numbers and has been actively looking for solutions to the problem.

His most recent proposal was to ask the provincial government for funds to build a K-12 school for the Buck Lake family of schools in the Alder Flats area. Another area that was considered was the Pigeon Lake family of schools becoming consolidated.

But Schwindt says those two school families have schools spread out over a large area. Already, some students are looking at bus rides that are an hour or more in some of those areas. Should the schools be consolidated, many of those bus rides could increase significantly.

As it is, students who choose to go to high school in WRPS rather than the Breton High School with the school of choice option, have to travel to Buck Mountain High School. The distance from Winfield to the Buck Mountain school is 27 kms, and takes about seventeen minutes of straight drive time.

Another thing Schwindt worries about is what would happen to the community should the school be closed.

As of 2011, Winfield had 244 residents. One of the major employers in the area is the school and its closure could have a ripple effect throughout the community.

Schwindt says she has spoken to Wetaskiwin County Council about the issue, but there is little they can do.

Kathy Rooyakkers, the councillor for Division 6 in Wetaskiwin County, says the idea of the school potentially being shut down next year worries her.

“It will affect them big time,” says Rooyakkers.

Rooyakkers says that unfortunately the County cannot stop anything WRPS plans to do. She says they have the opportunity to meet with the division a few times a year, where they discuss issues that concern both the County and the division, but all they can do is give their opinions about the situation.

“At the table, we don’t get a decision,” says Rooyakkers.

She says it’s frustrating, but there isn’t much they can do. At this point, she says the County has not discussed what they would do should the school be closed. She says there may be some other options that could be considered, such as creating a charter school, but council can’t make any changes…

Full story in the April 4, Free Press. Become an email subscriber at

County spends on fire suppression


Brazeau County is set to spend $560,000 to improve fire suppression in two underserved parts of the municipality. Last week council approved $250,000 for a 210 cubic metre concrete water tank in Lindale and $310,000 for a similar tank and water well in Buck Creek. 

The move is the result of a study conducted last year that outlined gaps in water sources for residential fire suppression. Lindale and Buck Creek were identified as areas that did not have access to an adequate source of water that was close enough to be practical in the event of a blaze. 

According to the County, the Lindale tank will replace the current holding  tank, and will provide year-round fire suppression for structure  fires as well as assisting in case of wildfire in the area. A water well and the below ground tank near the Buck  Creek lift station will provide fire suppression for structure  fires as well as assisting in the event of wildfire. Water will be available all year round with no risk of freezing.  If drilled to a lower aquifer, the water well will not place  residents’ wells at risk.

Meanwhile, with the wildfire season now underway, CAO Kent Edney said that Incident Command System training, which is offered by the Government of Alberta, was being rolled out to staff.  Edney said ICS 100 training was now mandatory for all employees. ICS 200, 300 and 400 were also being provided to those who are eligible. Councillors were scheduled to attend ICS 402 training, which is designed for elected officials, last week. 

Two training sessions for public contractors held last month have enabled the County to draw up a list of “first calls” in the event of an emergency. The sessions sparked considerable interest, with 55 people attending in Breton February 21 and 112 in Drayton Valley two days later. 

A review and update of the County’s Municipal Emergency Plan is expected to be completed by early April. 

Tax help is here


It’s tax time in Canada, and while the costs of having taxes done aren’t a big deal to some, for others it can be prohibitive.

Gina Matalski, a tax specialist at GM Accounting and Tax Services, is working with Drayton Valley Family and Community Support Services to help those who struggle to afford having their taxes done.

Matalski says the Income Tax Program has volunteers in the community, who have received training provided by the Canada Revenue Agency, do the tax returns. She says people drop their information off at her office, and then a volunteer comes to get the information and files it.

“Then, if I don’t have time to do them myself, I contact the volunteers and let them know that there are some to be picked up,” she says.

Right now there are seven volunteers who have stepped forward to help out, but Matalski says the more people they have volunteering, the faster they can get things done.

While the program aims to help as many people as they can, Matalski says there are some restrictions for who can use the program, and only personal taxes can be done. She says anyone who has employment expenses, or anything outside of the norm, would not qualify for the program.

“It’s basic, basic income tax returns,” she says.

Individuals who wish to use the program must have less than $35,000 in taxable income for the year. Couples can use it if they make less than $45,000 and families cannot have more than $52,000 in earnings.

“This is my second year for the free tax program,” says Matalski, “but I’ve been doing personal tax returns for five years.”

Matalski says she signed on to the program because she wanted to help the community out.

She says the price for doing personal taxes can be high, depending on who is being used to file the taxes and it’s not fair for low income earners. 

“When individuals and families that are already struggling to make ends meet every day have to go and pay between $150 and $200 to have a tax return done is ridiculous,” she says.

She said last year the program helped 500 individuals with their taxes.

Those who qualify for the program can drop their tax information off at 5136 – 54 St. on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

School division looks a professional education


The Wild Rose School Division has been considering options for offering professional education for students.

At the January 23 board meeting, the Director of Instruction Jen Lefebvre presented trustees with an outline of different academies and collegiates the division could partner with.

The analysis report says academies are branded, specialized programs that don’t necessarily need an academy to put into place. Collegiates, which were announced as an official designation in Alberta Education in 2022, are schools that offer specialized programming that is geared toward guiding a student for different career paths.

Superintendent of WRSD, Brad Volkman, says there are many divisions that offer academy courses such as Flight Academies or Fire Academies and WRSD wanted to do some research on the feasibility of bringing some of these courses to the division.

Lefebvre brought an analysis that spoke about the benefits, drawbacks, and costs of some of those programs.

Volkman says one of the programs they were considering was a flight academy. However, since there is no funding from Alberta Education to help with the program, it would be too expensive to run.

“The cost is borne by the students,” says Volkman. “That includes instruction from a certified flight instructor, transportation costs to the airport, and there’s a pretty big insurance requirement.”

He says Lefebvre looked into different courses offered by other divisions and felt it was too much. “We’re hearing from some places that the cost is $20,000,” says Volkman.

After hearing the costs, the division felt there would be a limit as to which students could afford the enrollment for the course.

“Equity is very important to Wild Rose School Division, and we tend to not put a lot of resources into something that would impact only a few students who could most afford it.”

Volkman says while the flight academy is not an option at the moment, they are looking at other courses. One they were excited about was the firefighting training. According to the report, WRSD is currently looking to see if they can mitigate some of the transportation issues involved.

Frank Maddock High School is also partnering with Drayton Valley Ford as a focus for students in mechanics. Both Frank Maddock and Breton offer a full cosmetology course which helps students achieve apprenticeship level when they graduate. Breton also has received a grant to offer a welding program at the school.


Review examines wildfire response


The local response to last summer’s wildfire was generally well handled, but there are areas that need improvement. 

That’s the conclusion of an after action review that came before Brazeau County council this week. The final report, which stretches over 40 pages, was prepared by Transitional Solutions Inc. of Sherwood Park, a company that was hired jointly by the County and the Town of Drayton Valley

“The primary objective of this wildfire after-action review is to conduct a thorough and impartial assessment of the incident response within the municipalities of Brazeau County and the Town of Drayton Valley, emphasizing a holistic approach aimed at learning, improving future responses, and fostering a culture of continuous enhancement within its firefighting and emergency management practices,” reads the introduction.

The review is based on interviews with 24 key stakeholders, along with a survey of municipal staff involved in the wildfire response, a tour of the area and an examination of relevant documents. 

Major recommendations in the final report advocate for comprehensive training in Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC)  setup, improving systems and processes, refining emergency plans, and developing proactive crisis communication strategies. For the Buck Creek Fire the ECC took three days to get set up  and start running smoothly. That delay is blamed on a breakdown in communication. 

“Council, Administration, and staff would greatly benefit from further understanding and utilizing the Incident Command System (ICS) and how it applies in situations like a wildfire event. Both Brazeau County and the Town of Drayton Valley need to utilize the quieter winter months before the start of the 2024 wildfire season to ensure compliance with legislation and have systems, services, and personnel ready, willing and with capacity to respond,” according to the report. 

On Tuesday County CAO Kent Edney said steps had already been taken to address the areas highlighted in the report. That included making sure county staff were as well-prepared as possible in the event of a similar wildfire in the future.  

“There’s quite a bit of training and activity that came from this report that’s going to be accomplished by the end of the month,” he said. “We should be in good shape by spring. 

The review also has a lot of good things to say about how the fire was handled. This was an unprecedented event that escalated rapidly, providing a number of serious challenges, forcing the evacuation of more than 7,000 residents and threatening infrastructure and property valued in excess of $2 billion.

“It is imperative to emphasize the pivotal role played by municipal staff, first responders, and supporting agencies, who demonstrated collective cooperation, unwavering commitment to problem-solving, and relentless dedication,” says the report.”They supported the triumphant resolution of this unparalleled wildfire event. The success achieved in managing this crisis was inherently linked to the collaborative efforts and tireless determination demonstrated by responders, underscoring the significance of their integrated approach amidst some challenging circumstances.”

Edney said the full report would be posted on the County website. 

Who is Corey Peebles? 

Why do you want to be mayor?

Throughout my life, I’ve been a guy that when things get tough, I step up.  I love Drayton Valley and I feel that I have the skills to work closely with the community to take us to the next level.  

What do you like best about Drayton Valley?

Besides our amazing choices in restaurants? It’s the people! Drayton Valley is full of Friendly, encouraging, approachable and entrepreneurial people.

What’s your favourite TV show?

Right now, I would have to go with Ted Lasso. A football coach moves to the UK to be a Soccer coach. New Culture, knows nothing about the sport, but his passion for people and building teams makes all the difference (don’t want to spoil it for you with any more details)

Who was your childhood hero?

My Uncle Kevin. He was a bodybuilder, didn’t drink coffee and was huge! Kids in the school yard would say “my dad can beat up your dad” and I would say “my uncle can beat up all your dads”
What are your hobbies/interests?

I love anything fun with a group of people, working out, spending time with my wife and kids and lately…disc golf! Surprisingly fun once you stop losing the discs in the bushes

What’s your proudest accomplishment?

I’m really glad you didn’t ask me this in person as I feel like the long pause to reflect on this would be quite awkward for you. I would say being a dad. There is something about actively watching the legacy you are trying to build into your kids that is incredibly rewarding. Even with the mayoral race. Win or lose, my boys will see that I did my best and that’s all I ask of them. 

What have you been hearing from people during the campaign? 

Fix the Roads!

How would your friends describe you?

Energetic, visionary and funny (I’m assuming they say the last one…because I think I’m funny)

What’s something about you people don’t know?

I can’t skate! I love hockey, but never learned how to stop on skates. I think there should be a midnight CanSkate course for people like me that can learn without fear of being seen.
Where would you like to see Drayton Valley in four years? 

Unified in community spirit

In agreement for our plans for economic growth (and utilizing a redeveloped program for job creation)

Having clear long range plans for our infrastructure needs

Great working relationship with the County and the Province

Having practical solutions for addressing homelessness and poverty 

Seeing our region full of tourism opportunities! 


The Drayton Valley RCMP Detachment is looking for a new Staff Sergeant as the current man in charge, Troy Raddatz, heads into retirement.

Raddatz started his time as Staff Sergeant in Drayton Valley in mid-May 2023, just as the community was dealing with the Buck Creek Wildfire. Raddatz hit the ground running with the detachment, and during his time the crime stats have been on a downward trend and the RCMP have been more visible in the community.

Before he was Staff Sergeant in Drayton, Raddatz had spent time in Breton, where he started his career in 2004. In 2010 he moved on to work with the canine unit where he eventually became the program director for dog services in 2017.

In 2023, he decided to make the lateral move to his position in Drayton. He and his wife had life-long friendships from the area, and he was impressed with the detachment in Drayton.

“I really enjoyed my year here, and it was good for my family,” says Raddatz. “We had planned on staying longer, but through a change in our family situation, we decided it was time to retire.”

One of Raddatz’s goals when he first started was seeing the detachment moved to a larger building. While Raddatz has been working diligently on achieving that goal, he says it’s been difficult to get the go ahead from the division.

However, during his last town council meeting report, Raddatz told council that he has been advised that there will be three trailers added to the detachment. He says he has been working with the division to finalize the design for the changes, and he anticipates the trailers will arrive in 2025/26.

“We’re trying to buy ten years for this current detachment,” says Raddatz.

He says during his time in Drayton he’s valued the support that the detachment has received from both the Town and Brazeau County, as well as members of the community. 

And Raddatz says he has been happy with the detachment and feels like he’s leaving it in good hands.

“Drayton Valley has a really incredible detachment, and the community is in good hands there,” says Raddatz.

His last day as Staff Sergeant is April 11, and in the meantime, Sergeant Ryan Hoetmer will be the Interim Staff Sergeant until a replacement is found.


The parent advisory council at Winfield Elementary are worried about the future of their school.

Carolyn Schwindt, the president of the school’s PAC, says some motions that the Wetaskiwin Regional Public School Division recently put forward in their board meeting are concerning.

Schwindt says this year the division has a new superintendent, Mike Wake, and Schwindt says that he’s been great to work with so far. However, she doesn’t agree with some of the ideas brought forward for calculating when a school should be closed.

“There’s always been discussion in Wetaskiwin Public Schools on the potential need for closure,” says Schwindt. “We’ve got low enrollment across the board in all schools.”

Schwindt says there are many factors at play when it comes to the enrollment at Winfield. Currently, the school has 63 students and also houses the community’s public library. Schwindt says there are multiple programs that use the school, such as the playschool and gymnastics club.

The motions that were put forward suggested that the school be closed if enrollment was below 60 students. Schwindt says if the number for closure is that close to the number of currently enrolled students, no one can really be certain if the school will stay open from year to year. 

She worries this could affect whether teachers look for positions at the school. Or perhaps parents would move their children prematurely because the school might close.

She says since the pandemic, there has been an increase in the number of home-schooled students in the area, which has lowered student enrollment. Allowing families to pick a school of choice for their children also affects the numbers in the schools.

Schwindt says Wake has been focusing on the reason for low numbers and has been actively looking for solutions to the problem.

His most recent proposal was to ask the provincial government for funds to build a K-12 school for the Buck Lake family of schools in the Alder Flats area. Another area that was considered was the Pigeon Lake family of schools becoming consolidated.

But Schwindt says those two school families have schools spread out over a large area. Already, some students are looking at bus rides that are an hour or more in some of those areas. Should the schools be consolidated, many of those bus rides could increase significantly.

As it is, students who choose to go to high school in WRPS rather than the Breton High School with the school of choice option, have to travel to Buck Mountain High School. The distance from Winfield to the Buck Mountain school is 27 kms, and takes about seventeen minutes of straight drive time.

Another thing Schwindt worries about is what would happen to the community should the school be closed.

As of 2011, Winfield had 244 residents. One of the major employers in the area is the school and its closure could have a ripple effect throughout the community.

Schwindt says she has spoken to Wetaskiwin County Council about the issue, but there is little they can do.

Kathy Rooyakkers, the councillor for Division 6 in Wetaskiwin County, says the idea of the school potentially being shut down next year worries her.

“It will affect them big time,” says Rooyakkers.

Rooyakkers says that unfortunately the County cannot stop anything WRPS plans to do. She says they have the opportunity to meet with the division a few times a year, where they discuss issues that concern both the County and the division, but all they can do is give their opinions about the situation.

“At the table, we don’t get a decision,” says Rooyakkers.

She says it’s frustrating, but there isn’t much they can do. At this point, she says the County has not discussed what they would do should the school be closed. She says there may be some other options that could be considered, such as creating a charter school, but council can’t make any changes…

Full story in the April 4, Free Press. Become an email subscriber at


Brazeau County is set to spend $560,000 to improve fire suppression in two underserved parts of the municipality. Last week council approved $250,000 for a 210 cubic metre concrete water tank in Lindale and $310,000 for a similar tank and water well in Buck Creek. 

The move is the result of a study conducted last year that outlined gaps in water sources for residential fire suppression. Lindale and Buck Creek were identified as areas that did not have access to an adequate source of water that was close enough to be practical in the event of a blaze. 

According to the County, the Lindale tank will replace the current holding  tank, and will provide year-round fire suppression for structure  fires as well as assisting in case of wildfire in the area. A water well and the below ground tank near the Buck  Creek lift station will provide fire suppression for structure  fires as well as assisting in the event of wildfire. Water will be available all year round with no risk of freezing.  If drilled to a lower aquifer, the water well will not place  residents’ wells at risk.

Meanwhile, with the wildfire season now underway, CAO Kent Edney said that Incident Command System training, which is offered by the Government of Alberta, was being rolled out to staff.  Edney said ICS 100 training was now mandatory for all employees. ICS 200, 300 and 400 were also being provided to those who are eligible. Councillors were scheduled to attend ICS 402 training, which is designed for elected officials, last week. 

Two training sessions for public contractors held last month have enabled the County to draw up a list of “first calls” in the event of an emergency. The sessions sparked considerable interest, with 55 people attending in Breton February 21 and 112 in Drayton Valley two days later. 

A review and update of the County’s Municipal Emergency Plan is expected to be completed by early April. 


It’s tax time in Canada, and while the costs of having taxes done aren’t a big deal to some, for others it can be prohibitive.

Gina Matalski, a tax specialist at GM Accounting and Tax Services, is working with Drayton Valley Family and Community Support Services to help those who struggle to afford having their taxes done.

Matalski says the Income Tax Program has volunteers in the community, who have received training provided by the Canada Revenue Agency, do the tax returns. She says people drop their information off at her office, and then a volunteer comes to get the information and files it.

“Then, if I don’t have time to do them myself, I contact the volunteers and let them know that there are some to be picked up,” she says.

Right now there are seven volunteers who have stepped forward to help out, but Matalski says the more people they have volunteering, the faster they can get things done.

While the program aims to help as many people as they can, Matalski says there are some restrictions for who can use the program, and only personal taxes can be done. She says anyone who has employment expenses, or anything outside of the norm, would not qualify for the program.

“It’s basic, basic income tax returns,” she says.

Individuals who wish to use the program must have less than $35,000 in taxable income for the year. Couples can use it if they make less than $45,000 and families cannot have more than $52,000 in earnings.

“This is my second year for the free tax program,” says Matalski, “but I’ve been doing personal tax returns for five years.”

Matalski says she signed on to the program because she wanted to help the community out.

She says the price for doing personal taxes can be high, depending on who is being used to file the taxes and it’s not fair for low income earners. 

“When individuals and families that are already struggling to make ends meet every day have to go and pay between $150 and $200 to have a tax return done is ridiculous,” she says.

She said last year the program helped 500 individuals with their taxes.

Those who qualify for the program can drop their tax information off at 5136 – 54 St. on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


The Wild Rose School Division has been considering options for offering professional education for students.

At the January 23 board meeting, the Director of Instruction Jen Lefebvre presented trustees with an outline of different academies and collegiates the division could partner with.

The analysis report says academies are branded, specialized programs that don’t necessarily need an academy to put into place. Collegiates, which were announced as an official designation in Alberta Education in 2022, are schools that offer specialized programming that is geared toward guiding a student for different career paths.

Superintendent of WRSD, Brad Volkman, says there are many divisions that offer academy courses such as Flight Academies or Fire Academies and WRSD wanted to do some research on the feasibility of bringing some of these courses to the division.

Lefebvre brought an analysis that spoke about the benefits, drawbacks, and costs of some of those programs.

Volkman says one of the programs they were considering was a flight academy. However, since there is no funding from Alberta Education to help with the program, it would be too expensive to run.

“The cost is borne by the students,” says Volkman. “That includes instruction from a certified flight instructor, transportation costs to the airport, and there’s a pretty big insurance requirement.”

He says Lefebvre looked into different courses offered by other divisions and felt it was too much. “We’re hearing from some places that the cost is $20,000,” says Volkman.

After hearing the costs, the division felt there would be a limit as to which students could afford the enrollment for the course.

“Equity is very important to Wild Rose School Division, and we tend to not put a lot of resources into something that would impact only a few students who could most afford it.”

Volkman says while the flight academy is not an option at the moment, they are looking at other courses. One they were excited about was the firefighting training. According to the report, WRSD is currently looking to see if they can mitigate some of the transportation issues involved.

Frank Maddock High School is also partnering with Drayton Valley Ford as a focus for students in mechanics. Both Frank Maddock and Breton offer a full cosmetology course which helps students achieve apprenticeship level when they graduate. Breton also has received a grant to offer a welding program at the school.



The local response to last summer’s wildfire was generally well handled, but there are areas that need improvement. 

That’s the conclusion of an after action review that came before Brazeau County council this week. The final report, which stretches over 40 pages, was prepared by Transitional Solutions Inc. of Sherwood Park, a company that was hired jointly by the County and the Town of Drayton Valley

“The primary objective of this wildfire after-action review is to conduct a thorough and impartial assessment of the incident response within the municipalities of Brazeau County and the Town of Drayton Valley, emphasizing a holistic approach aimed at learning, improving future responses, and fostering a culture of continuous enhancement within its firefighting and emergency management practices,” reads the introduction.

The review is based on interviews with 24 key stakeholders, along with a survey of municipal staff involved in the wildfire response, a tour of the area and an examination of relevant documents. 

Major recommendations in the final report advocate for comprehensive training in Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC)  setup, improving systems and processes, refining emergency plans, and developing proactive crisis communication strategies. For the Buck Creek Fire the ECC took three days to get set up  and start running smoothly. That delay is blamed on a breakdown in communication. 

“Council, Administration, and staff would greatly benefit from further understanding and utilizing the Incident Command System (ICS) and how it applies in situations like a wildfire event. Both Brazeau County and the Town of Drayton Valley need to utilize the quieter winter months before the start of the 2024 wildfire season to ensure compliance with legislation and have systems, services, and personnel ready, willing and with capacity to respond,” according to the report. 

On Tuesday County CAO Kent Edney said steps had already been taken to address the areas highlighted in the report. That included making sure county staff were as well-prepared as possible in the event of a similar wildfire in the future.  

“There’s quite a bit of training and activity that came from this report that’s going to be accomplished by the end of the month,” he said. “We should be in good shape by spring. 

The review also has a lot of good things to say about how the fire was handled. This was an unprecedented event that escalated rapidly, providing a number of serious challenges, forcing the evacuation of more than 7,000 residents and threatening infrastructure and property valued in excess of $2 billion.

“It is imperative to emphasize the pivotal role played by municipal staff, first responders, and supporting agencies, who demonstrated collective cooperation, unwavering commitment to problem-solving, and relentless dedication,” says the report.”They supported the triumphant resolution of this unparalleled wildfire event. The success achieved in managing this crisis was inherently linked to the collaborative efforts and tireless determination demonstrated by responders, underscoring the significance of their integrated approach amidst some challenging circumstances.”

Edney said the full report would be posted on the County website. 

Fire training proposal for Lodgepole

A new proposal could see the creation of a fire rescue college in Lodgepole.
In a presentation to Brazeau County council last week, Erik Ives spoke regarding the Canadian Fire Rescue College (CFRC) which is exploring Lodgepole as a campus location to train firefighters.

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