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Meet the candidates for mayor


By this time next week Drayton Valley will have a new mayor. Before you make your choice at the ballot box on Monday we wanted to give you a little more information on the two candidates who are seeking Drayton Valley’s top job. We asked Corey Peebles and Nancy Dodds to answer 10 questions in their own words. Below are their responses.

Skip to Nancy Dodds

Skip to Corey Peebles

Who is Nancy Dodds?

Why do you want to be mayor?  

I believe Drayton Valley residents want and need a mayor that will lead the community with openness, transparency, and good governance. Who is fully committed to put in the hard work and has the community in mind.

I love this community, the spirit of hope, innovation and drive resonates within me. I want to give back to my home, ensure everyone’s voices are heard and create a safe, thriving community for years to come.

I have the experience, education and knowledge to continue pushing forward. I know how to build consensus through hard work and achieve success. I am so inspired and excited to be the voice and the action to create a community that works for all of us and is stronger together..

 What do you like best about Drayton Valley? 

Drayton Valley is a wonderful community full of spirited, strong residents, and endless opportunities.  I love the work hard, play hard mindset, the innovation and creativity that runs deep in our roots. When crisis hits, we pull together. 

What’s your favourite TV show? 

Not a TV show kind of person, I’m more of a binge watcher when I get the chance. Love a good Apple or Netflix series…too many to pick a favourite.

Who was your childhood hero? 

I have three : Wonder woman – I have a scar on my head that connects us. Bob Geldof – As a child I was inspired by the movement he started and wanted to make a difference. It inspired me to make a difference in the world and fight for things I believe in. My Mom – One of the hardest working women I know and she would drop everything if I needed her.

What are your hobbies/interests?  

Time with family, I love the seasons and getting outdoors; skiing, snowboarding, skating, nature, meditation, qigong, chess, designing and a good book!

What’s your proudest accomplishment? 

University graduate!  I started my post-secondary studies fresh out of high school with a love for architecture and drafting, however I did not graduate.

I overcame the fear, and decided to go back to school while I owned a business (partnership), family and having two young daughters. I decided instead of building houses I would build cities,  and out of this came my education and passion for Land Use Planning and Development.

What have you been hearing from people during the campaign? 

They are proud of the community that they live in and are generally happy. They’re happy to see me and thank me for coming out. Some of the areas of concern are pot holes, homelessness, rural crime and the need for local enforcement.

How would your friends describe you? 

Organized, dependable, hard working and creative. 

What’s something about you people don’t know? 

I have a yellow belt in Tae Kwon do. I know what you’re thinking, “ it’s not a black belt.”  But this is where the seeds of knowledge have really been planted and I sure do love sparring.

Where would you like to see Drayton Valley in four years? 

We seem to have hit a few bumps in the road over the last few years, but our journey is changing. The next four years are going to be exciting for Drayton Valley. We will build an asset management plan that prioritizes our projects and looks at the best possible investment decisions for our infrastructure assets. Our local College is buzzing with students, creating entrepreneurial opportunities and transitioning students into job placements. Our economy is thriving and moving forward, creating opportunities for everyone. A healthy, safe vibrant community with endless opportunities has made its way back into our community. The spirit is high and we are stronger together. 


One local youth has seen his hard work with 4-H pay off after being selected as one of 12 youth  to show their steers at the 2025 Calgary Stampede Junior Steer Classic.

Hunter Harris is a third generation 4-H member and has been part of the organization since he was 12 years old. Not only does he show cattle for 4-H, he’s also been entering open shows for the past two years. He says showing cattle is just a natural extension of his life as the son and grandson of farmers.

“I think it’s really important to know where your food comes from and I really enjoy showing,” says Harris. He says he also feels like he’s staying true to his heritage working in agriculture, which he is something he is proud of and wants to continue doing.

As an ambassador, Harris got his choice of steer from the OH Ranch this month. At the next Calgary Stampede, he will bring that steer back to show in the Calgary Stampede Junior Steer Classic under a special category for OH Beef.

He says being chosen as an ambassador is an honour and he’s excited to use the opportunity to help educate people about the importance of the industry.

“I think it means putting myself out there and trying to put out a positive image for both the Calgary Stampede and the beef industry as a whole,” says Harris. “As an ambassador, I feel I have the responsibility to try and promote the show world, the beef industry, and this way of life as much as I can.”

Beef showing a competitive sport 

He says there is a lot of work that goes into showing and that he considers it a competitive sport, no different than horse showing or dog showing. Each year, Harris works with the steer or heifer he’s chosen. He’s responsible for feeding it, grooming it, and training it, which means spending time with it nearly every day for more than half a year.

“You’ve got to put in a ton of time. You have to be able to halter break it and get it tame,” says Harris. “There’s a process of training it to stand a certain way, how to respond to certain cues when you’re pulling on their halter, and how they should lead and behave in the show ring.”

It’s also important to put time into research about the proper feed for the steer. Harris says the type of food they are fed will greatly impact the standing in competition as well as the sale of the steer for butcher. He says there is a certain balance between fat and muscle that needs to be kept to make good meat.

At the show, all of the cattle get a fitting from the competitors to make sure they look their best when in the ring.

“It’s kind of like hairstyling, but for cows, in a sense,” he says.

Fitting involves cleaning the cow, blow drying them, clipping them, brushing tufts and styling them in certain ways to make the cow look its best in the show.

“It kind of brings out the best traits in them so they look like a better market animal,” he says.

Harris says he plans to attend more open shows this year and hopefully have the opportunity to help educate people about the industry. In the past, he’s spoken with young spectators at events who come up to see his cow and shared a little bit about the importance of the event.

“I just wanted to make sure they were enjoying themselves and that they learned something,” says Harris. “The ladies that were showing [the children] around were learning stuff, too. I think it’s really important to try and connect with everyone on all levels and tell them what an amazing sport it is and how important it is.”

He says that sometimes it can be sad to see the cow go after working with it for so long. But Harris says it’s important for him to remember why he is doing it in the first place, and that families will be fed well because of his efforts.

While Harris is still contemplating what the future could hold for himself in terms of a career, he’s pretty certain that he will likely end up working with cattle and in the agriculture industry. He’s already been working on building up his own herd with his time and money, and a little bit of help from his family. He feels that this will give him a headstart in life and also makes a good choice as an ambassador.

“My parents have been extremely supportive of it, and they’ve helped me out a ton,” he says.

Harris believes his experience in working with his herd makes him more knowledgeable about the industry. He’s been learning about the traditions and the work that goes into maintaining a herd, including breeding, feeding, and the general well-being of the animals.

“I think that makes me a better showman and in a better position to be an ambassador,” he says.

Those who wish to know how Harris’ steer holds up to the other 11 ambassadors will have to wait until the July 2025 Calgary Stampede or hope to catch him at one of the several shows he plans to attend.

Volleyball comes home to Tomahawk


Tomahawk to receive a $1 million dollar upgrade

For the first time ever, the Tomahawk School volleyball team was able to host a home game thanks to their new gym.

Tracey Gilmour, the new principal for the school, says the new gym was a $1 million project. It was started last May and was finally finished on October 16, hours before their opening game.

“They were bringing the scissor lift out as we brought in the net,” says Gilmour.

The Timberwolves went on to win their first home game against the Muir Lake Mustangs.

“They were a little bit worried that actually performing at home would put some pressure on them,” says Gilmour. “But they did great.”

“I was very nervous and excited at the same time,” says Layla Chausse, one of the Timberwolves.

Team practice was a challenge in the past

While the school has always had team sports, Gilmour says it’s been a challenge for the teams to practice, and they’ve never been able to host a game before. The size of the gym wasn’t necessarily the problem. The issue was a large stage that took up about a third of the space in the room.

Gilmour says the stage made it difficult for the students to play any type of sports in the gym. She says small games could work, but a full sized game wasn’t possible.

The previous principal, Fran Bell, really advocated for the students saying they should have equal opportunities to access sports and extracurriculars. 

“Parkland School Division stepped up and made that investment in our school,” says Gilmour.

After years of playing away games, the team was happy to finally get to play on their home turf.

“It was really nice to play in the gym for the first time,” says Josie Woodruff, one of the players. “We’re especially grateful to be able to play a home game.” She says their team has never had the opportunity to play in a new gym before.

The fact that they were the very first people to use the gym was something the team enjoyed, as well.

Strocher says winning is just icing on the cake

“We were really excited to have our first home game and be the first ones to play in that gym,” says Isabelle Strocher. She says winning that first game was just icing on the cake.

Up until the home opener, the girls had been practicing outside on a paved area near the school. Gilmour says it hasn’t been easy for the team, but they persevered, and had won every single game going into the home opener.

“Honestly, I think what got them through was their amazing team spirit,” says Gilmour. “I’ve never seen anything like it. They’re so supportive of each other.”

That team spirit has helped the Timberwolves make it into the playoffs this year.

“We’ve finished our placement games,” says Judith Munch. “Now we just have playoffs, and we’re hoping to host one, too.”

Meeting calls for change in town


Members of business community voice concerns over local issues

Some local businesses gathered last week to voice concerns, propose possible solutions, and brainstorm a presentation to put before town council.

Erik Bergen, one of the owners of the Drayton Valley Bakery, held a meeting on October 9 and invited all businesses in the community to come out. Bergen wanted to hear their thoughts on three specific topics: homelessness, essential service administration and the Town’s free enterprise policy.

Bergen says the idea about having a presentation has been on his mind for several months. He says he’s spoken to many business owners who feel frustrated with the Town and the direction council is taking. However, he says he felt that if everybody only talked about it and no one went to the town, nothing would get accomplished.

Along with business owners, the organizers of Warming Hearts and members of the public attended the event.

Homelessness and franchises stir debate

Bergen prepared a presentation for the event, and reviewed it several times as people came and went as they were able. He also had a petition available for attendees to sign.

As he went over his presentation, Bergen says it was difficult to focus on the problems and solutions rather than opinions.

“It did derail a little bit, just because of the opposite points of view, especially regarding the homeless,” he says.

There were some attendees who viewed the homeless issue from a more humanitarian point of view and others that felt a heavier hand was needed. But Bergen says it’s important to 

remember that not all homeless people are causing the issue. There are some individuals who are making it difficult for everyone. 

“I don’t want to group all people into one basket,” says Bergen. “There are people who are homeless because their house burned down or were dealt a bad hand.”

Another topic that brought up differing opinions was new franchises coming into the community. In his presentation, Bergen argued that by simply leaving the door open for any new businesses in the community, council was putting a strain on businesses that were already established.

According to Bergen, there is about one restaurant (or registered kitchen) for every 95 people in the community. There are more than eight liquor stores and six cannabis stores, 12 pizza places and more than one of some franchises.

He believes that a lack of direction from council in this matter is making it difficult for businesses to do well. Bergen says his concern is protecting the current businesses that the town already has in place and allow them to flourish.

“A lot of these restaurant owners say that they’re one franchise away from closing their doors,” says Bergen.

Town services and the need for improvement

Bergen says that many people have also noticed a disparity in the services the Town offers the community. For example, there are a number of different “nice” things the Town has spent money on like the pumptrack, disc golf, the pool etc. However, there are some struggles with providing basic services such as regular road maintenance, weed control and pest management.

“Maybe they are doing the best they can do, or maybe they got pushed to the back burner,” says Bergen.

He says that he got a lot of feedback from those who attended the meeting. As it was his first time attempting anything like this, there was a learning curve and Bergen says he’s looking forward to making improvements at another meeting that will be held at the beginning of November.

Bergen’s plan is to present a list of complaints with possible solutions to council in November.

Town changing Facility Code of Conduct


The Town is making some changes to its Facility Code of Conduct in an effort to ensure its facilities aren’t being misused.

Cody Rossing, the manager of enforcement and emergency management, presented council with a proposed amendment to the Code of Conduct. Rossing says the Code of Conduct was put in place in August 2016. Since council expressed concern surrounding enforcement of removing homeless individuals from the Civic Centre vestibule, administration reviewed the code and came up with some suggestions.

Rossing says there are several different prohibitions that were not included in the original Code of Conduct. Most of the changes were stronger wording surrounding loitering and failing to comply with signage. While the original code prohibited smoking, it did not mention vaping, so Rossing says they have changed that.

The wording surrounding service animals was also changed to match provincial law.

The proposed changes also give more power to facility managers when it comes to banning individuals from Town facilities. They will be able to ban individuals for up to seven days. General managers and peace officers will also be able to suspend someone for up to six months. CAOs will be able to ban someone for more than six months if necessary.

“It’s putting in those different layers so the CAO isn’t involved in everything,” says Rossing.

He says there are also changes to wording surrounding the appeals process of someone who has been banned for more than 24 hours. 

“And it clarifies that if someone is contravening their suspension or expulsion, then they are considered trespassing and law enforcement will be made aware for further actions,” says Rossing.

Councillor Colin Clarke raised concerns about the bans, asking if a ban from Town facilities meant all Town-owned buildings, even if there were tennants operating out of some of them. He says he worried that banning someone from the Omniplex might affect their ability to go to the Food Bank or other necessary services.

Hans van Klaveren, the acting CAO, says that typically the operator is setting those guidelines or rules for their building.

Councillor Tom McGee also spoke about the Warming Hearts Centre as the Town helps to fund the rent for the facility through grants.

In the end, it was decided that if a tenant wanted to have someone trespassed, they would contact Rossing and it would be treated like other businesses in the community. Their bans will only apply to Town owned and operated facilities.

“I’m glad to see we’re addressing this and putting the structure in place to give you the tools to do something about it,” says Councillor Rick Evans.

“I think that, in the end, our residents are going to appreciate our efforts to make the use of our facilities more enjoyable and safe, ultimately.”

A weekend cycling secondary highways

Download your experience guide

Find out what you can do in Drayton Valley, Brazeau County and surrounding region in the 2023 Brazeau and Beyond experience guide.

Spending a weekend cycling the secondary highway in and around Brazeau County is one of the great outdoor activities that this region has to offer. Minutes outside of Drayton Valley you will find yourself on kilometers of highway that seem to continue to stretch West. Many of these highways go near small hamlets and communities in the area, they go into and come out of river valleys and on a clear day offer a beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains. 

One such circuit is the DV100 century loop. This 100km route takes you west past farmlands and through lush boreal forests, and through the small communities and hamlets that mark the birth of Alberta’s oil and gas industry. It is a loop that can be done with speed or taken at a leisurely pace, offering snack and eatery stops along the way. 

Day 1: Arrival, dinner 

Arrive at hotel: When you stay at a Drayton Valley Hospitality and Tourism hotel or campground you support local tourism initiatives in Drayton Valley and Brazeau County.

Evening ride: Stretch your legs and do the 19 km ring road multipurpose trails to Rocky Rapids. Park your vehicle at the “Welcome to Drayton Valley” derricks at the south end of town and right across the street you will be on the trails. The route will take you straight out to the hamlet of Rocky Rapids where you can stop off at the Rocky Rapids store for a snack. The original building is located at the Drayton Valley museum.

Dinner: Did you know we have over 40 different restaurants in Drayton Valley? Look at our restaurant listing in this guide.

Ricochet Aquatic Centre: Take in the steamroom and the hot tub at the local swimming pool. The pool is open until 8:00 pm most nights and will get you ready for your big century ride tomorrow. 

Day 2: The DIY DV100 

Breakfast: Take in some breakfast at your hotel or head out to one of our great breakfast venues.

DIY DV100: The DV100 is a 100 kilometre route that travels secondary highways in Brazeau County. Along the route there are several spots you can stop to regroup, take in a photo and enjoy some food. Just out of town is the Poplar Ridge Store, this is your last stop to get any supplies until you reach the community of Lodgepole about about kilometre 40. 

Arrive Lodgepole: this is a small hamlet that has a general store in the heart of town. Here you can grab a drink, and convenience store fare. There is also the hotel restaurant that is open 11-12:30 and 3-8 most days, there is also the Aud Spot for breakfast and lunch as a cash only option. 

Heading out of Lodgepole towards Cynthia there are a few great photo opportunities as you crest a hill coming up from the Pembina River Valley. This is a slog of a climb but once you crest it is smooth sailing to Cynthia.  

Near the Hamlet of Cynthia there is the ever popular Cyn City Saloon where you can get a beverage and a burger. Heading back towards Drayton Valley and Hwy 621 your next stop is 39 km away in the community of Rocky Rapids where you can stop at the store for some snacks and then back into town. 

(In the Evening)

Hotel: regroup at your hotel and get ready for the evening. 

Dinner: Drayton Valley has more than 40 different restaurants. Have a look at our listings page to decide where you want to eat. 

Drinks: Head to a patio and enjoy the sunset with an ice cold brew. Lounge patios can be found at; Khal’s Steakhouse, Boston Pizza, Mitch’s Restaurant, Oil Country Tap House, Bourbon House and Mr. Mikes. 

Day 3 Check out, walk and head home

Breakfast: Breakfast at your hotel or check out and head to a local restaurant for brunch.

Disc golf or a walk: If you want to stretch your time here in Drayton Valley, head over to Ivan To Park for a walk around the pond or a round of disc golf. The park has an 18-hole disc golf course that is open at no charge. If you’re pushed for time there’s an easy cut off to limit your round to 9 holes.  

Head home. We hope you’ve enjoyed your time in our community. Come back soon!

Enforcement options limited


Staff Sergeant Ryan Hoetmer says dealing with the effects of the homeless population in the community is not simple.

Hoetmer says that the most common complaint regarding homeless individuals is about them sleeping or spending time in business entrances. That was one of the main issues raised by town council in a discussion on September 18. 

Hoetmer says RCMP involvement in removing the individual and charging them with trespassing is a bit tricky, especially in regards to private businesses. 

“The police themselves do not make a determination of whether that homeless individual can be there or not,” says Hoetmer. “That has to be the business that decides that.”

This means that someone from the business has to contact the RCMP to let them know there is an unwanted individual in the vestibule. At that point, police can attend and get the individual moving along.

However, unless the business has served trespass notices on the person causing the issue, the RCMP cannot issue fines for trespassing. 

That is also not as simple as it seems. Hoetmer says that does give the trespass notice has to be willing to pursue the entire process into court as well.

“They’ve got to show up at trial if this individual fights it,” he says. 

Hoetmer says banks, for example, are not typically interested in pursuing this as they all have nationally run security headquarters, so there’s not a lot of interest in them following those steps.

Both the Town and RCMP have met with bank managers and are encouraging them to lock their doors at night to prevent the homeless from using the vestibule as a warming space. 

Due to the lifestyle that comes with homelessness, which often includes mental health issues and addictions, the RCMP do interact with the homeless on a regular basis. 

“We get to know these individuals, but unless they are commiting crime we don’t have a lot of power,” he says.

He says the Town has asked them to have more enforcement on homeless individuals who have been banned or issued trespassing notices. 

“Our job is community safety so if that’s what the community wants to keep the community safe, we’ve agreed to do that,” says Hoetmer. 

However, that means businesses need to start following through with the process on their end. 

In regards to the Civic Centre vestibule, Hoetmer says the Town would need to start looking at trespassing individuals in order for the RCMP to begin issuing tickets.

“That is up to the Town whether they want to trespass these individuals from all Town property,” says Hoetmer.

But even with all of the businesses doing their part and the RCMP able to keep up with the enforcement, there is still more to consider.

“Enforcement has failed these individuals for years. Nobody usually becomes unsheltered without probably having had enforcement intervention for a number of years already, and it hasn’t changed anything.”

Hoetmer says there have been no complaints of physical harm caused to residents by any homeless individuals. “They can be aggressive and make people feel uncomfortable, but we have had no assaults. No reports of any sort of physical violence to anybody.”

In regards to break and enters, Hoetmer says some of the smaller property crimes are being committed by homeless individuals, but they aren’t the only ones.

“There’s other individuals in town that are not homeless that are committing those offences,” says Hoetmer. “The bigger break and enters are being committed by prolific property crime offenders.”

In regards to issuing fines for trespassing, Hoetmer says that also isn’t as simple as many believe. Those who have fines may not be able to pay them. At some point, they can be arrested, but there is no guaranteed timeline for how long the individual will stay behind bars, as they will be released first if room is needed for people convicted of more serious crimes.

In the end, the fines do not get paid.

Hoetmer says he doesn’t want the Town to “hang their hat on enforcement,” because while it can play a role in deterring homeless individuals from becoming a nuisance, it’s not the entire solution. 

“We’re going to have a role,” says Hoetmer. “Our job is keeping the community safe. So, if part of that is needing to enforce, then we will do that.”

Who is Corey Peebles? 

Why do you want to be mayor?

Throughout my life, I’ve been a guy that when things get tough, I step up.  I love Drayton Valley and I feel that I have the skills to work closely with the community to take us to the next level.  

What do you like best about Drayton Valley?

Besides our amazing choices in restaurants? It’s the people! Drayton Valley is full of Friendly, encouraging, approachable and entrepreneurial people.

What’s your favourite TV show?

Right now, I would have to go with Ted Lasso. A football coach moves to the UK to be a Soccer coach. New Culture, knows nothing about the sport, but his passion for people and building teams makes all the difference (don’t want to spoil it for you with any more details)

Who was your childhood hero?

My Uncle Kevin. He was a bodybuilder, didn’t drink coffee and was huge! Kids in the school yard would say “my dad can beat up your dad” and I would say “my uncle can beat up all your dads”
What are your hobbies/interests?

I love anything fun with a group of people, working out, spending time with my wife and kids and lately…disc golf! Surprisingly fun once you stop losing the discs in the bushes

What’s your proudest accomplishment?

I’m really glad you didn’t ask me this in person as I feel like the long pause to reflect on this would be quite awkward for you. I would say being a dad. There is something about actively watching the legacy you are trying to build into your kids that is incredibly rewarding. Even with the mayoral race. Win or lose, my boys will see that I did my best and that’s all I ask of them. 

What have you been hearing from people during the campaign? 

Fix the Roads!

How would your friends describe you?

Energetic, visionary and funny (I’m assuming they say the last one…because I think I’m funny)

What’s something about you people don’t know?

I can’t skate! I love hockey, but never learned how to stop on skates. I think there should be a midnight CanSkate course for people like me that can learn without fear of being seen.
Where would you like to see Drayton Valley in four years? 

Unified in community spirit

In agreement for our plans for economic growth (and utilizing a redeveloped program for job creation)

Having clear long range plans for our infrastructure needs

Great working relationship with the County and the Province

Having practical solutions for addressing homelessness and poverty 

Seeing our region full of tourism opportunities! 


One local youth has seen his hard work with 4-H pay off after being selected as one of 12 youth  to show their steers at the 2025 Calgary Stampede Junior Steer Classic.

Hunter Harris is a third generation 4-H member and has been part of the organization since he was 12 years old. Not only does he show cattle for 4-H, he’s also been entering open shows for the past two years. He says showing cattle is just a natural extension of his life as the son and grandson of farmers.

“I think it’s really important to know where your food comes from and I really enjoy showing,” says Harris. He says he also feels like he’s staying true to his heritage working in agriculture, which he is something he is proud of and wants to continue doing.

As an ambassador, Harris got his choice of steer from the OH Ranch this month. At the next Calgary Stampede, he will bring that steer back to show in the Calgary Stampede Junior Steer Classic under a special category for OH Beef.

He says being chosen as an ambassador is an honour and he’s excited to use the opportunity to help educate people about the importance of the industry.

“I think it means putting myself out there and trying to put out a positive image for both the Calgary Stampede and the beef industry as a whole,” says Harris. “As an ambassador, I feel I have the responsibility to try and promote the show world, the beef industry, and this way of life as much as I can.”

Beef showing a competitive sport 

He says there is a lot of work that goes into showing and that he considers it a competitive sport, no different than horse showing or dog showing. Each year, Harris works with the steer or heifer he’s chosen. He’s responsible for feeding it, grooming it, and training it, which means spending time with it nearly every day for more than half a year.

“You’ve got to put in a ton of time. You have to be able to halter break it and get it tame,” says Harris. “There’s a process of training it to stand a certain way, how to respond to certain cues when you’re pulling on their halter, and how they should lead and behave in the show ring.”

It’s also important to put time into research about the proper feed for the steer. Harris says the type of food they are fed will greatly impact the standing in competition as well as the sale of the steer for butcher. He says there is a certain balance between fat and muscle that needs to be kept to make good meat.

At the show, all of the cattle get a fitting from the competitors to make sure they look their best when in the ring.

“It’s kind of like hairstyling, but for cows, in a sense,” he says.

Fitting involves cleaning the cow, blow drying them, clipping them, brushing tufts and styling them in certain ways to make the cow look its best in the show.

“It kind of brings out the best traits in them so they look like a better market animal,” he says.

Harris says he plans to attend more open shows this year and hopefully have the opportunity to help educate people about the industry. In the past, he’s spoken with young spectators at events who come up to see his cow and shared a little bit about the importance of the event.

“I just wanted to make sure they were enjoying themselves and that they learned something,” says Harris. “The ladies that were showing [the children] around were learning stuff, too. I think it’s really important to try and connect with everyone on all levels and tell them what an amazing sport it is and how important it is.”

He says that sometimes it can be sad to see the cow go after working with it for so long. But Harris says it’s important for him to remember why he is doing it in the first place, and that families will be fed well because of his efforts.

While Harris is still contemplating what the future could hold for himself in terms of a career, he’s pretty certain that he will likely end up working with cattle and in the agriculture industry. He’s already been working on building up his own herd with his time and money, and a little bit of help from his family. He feels that this will give him a headstart in life and also makes a good choice as an ambassador.

“My parents have been extremely supportive of it, and they’ve helped me out a ton,” he says.

Harris believes his experience in working with his herd makes him more knowledgeable about the industry. He’s been learning about the traditions and the work that goes into maintaining a herd, including breeding, feeding, and the general well-being of the animals.

“I think that makes me a better showman and in a better position to be an ambassador,” he says.

Those who wish to know how Harris’ steer holds up to the other 11 ambassadors will have to wait until the July 2025 Calgary Stampede or hope to catch him at one of the several shows he plans to attend.


Tomahawk to receive a $1 million dollar upgrade

For the first time ever, the Tomahawk School volleyball team was able to host a home game thanks to their new gym.

Tracey Gilmour, the new principal for the school, says the new gym was a $1 million project. It was started last May and was finally finished on October 16, hours before their opening game.

“They were bringing the scissor lift out as we brought in the net,” says Gilmour.

The Timberwolves went on to win their first home game against the Muir Lake Mustangs.

“They were a little bit worried that actually performing at home would put some pressure on them,” says Gilmour. “But they did great.”

“I was very nervous and excited at the same time,” says Layla Chausse, one of the Timberwolves.

Team practice was a challenge in the past

While the school has always had team sports, Gilmour says it’s been a challenge for the teams to practice, and they’ve never been able to host a game before. The size of the gym wasn’t necessarily the problem. The issue was a large stage that took up about a third of the space in the room.

Gilmour says the stage made it difficult for the students to play any type of sports in the gym. She says small games could work, but a full sized game wasn’t possible.

The previous principal, Fran Bell, really advocated for the students saying they should have equal opportunities to access sports and extracurriculars. 

“Parkland School Division stepped up and made that investment in our school,” says Gilmour.

After years of playing away games, the team was happy to finally get to play on their home turf.

“It was really nice to play in the gym for the first time,” says Josie Woodruff, one of the players. “We’re especially grateful to be able to play a home game.” She says their team has never had the opportunity to play in a new gym before.

The fact that they were the very first people to use the gym was something the team enjoyed, as well.

Strocher says winning is just icing on the cake

“We were really excited to have our first home game and be the first ones to play in that gym,” says Isabelle Strocher. She says winning that first game was just icing on the cake.

Up until the home opener, the girls had been practicing outside on a paved area near the school. Gilmour says it hasn’t been easy for the team, but they persevered, and had won every single game going into the home opener.

“Honestly, I think what got them through was their amazing team spirit,” says Gilmour. “I’ve never seen anything like it. They’re so supportive of each other.”

That team spirit has helped the Timberwolves make it into the playoffs this year.

“We’ve finished our placement games,” says Judith Munch. “Now we just have playoffs, and we’re hoping to host one, too.”


Members of business community voice concerns over local issues

Some local businesses gathered last week to voice concerns, propose possible solutions, and brainstorm a presentation to put before town council.

Erik Bergen, one of the owners of the Drayton Valley Bakery, held a meeting on October 9 and invited all businesses in the community to come out. Bergen wanted to hear their thoughts on three specific topics: homelessness, essential service administration and the Town’s free enterprise policy.

Bergen says the idea about having a presentation has been on his mind for several months. He says he’s spoken to many business owners who feel frustrated with the Town and the direction council is taking. However, he says he felt that if everybody only talked about it and no one went to the town, nothing would get accomplished.

Along with business owners, the organizers of Warming Hearts and members of the public attended the event.

Homelessness and franchises stir debate

Bergen prepared a presentation for the event, and reviewed it several times as people came and went as they were able. He also had a petition available for attendees to sign.

As he went over his presentation, Bergen says it was difficult to focus on the problems and solutions rather than opinions.

“It did derail a little bit, just because of the opposite points of view, especially regarding the homeless,” he says.

There were some attendees who viewed the homeless issue from a more humanitarian point of view and others that felt a heavier hand was needed. But Bergen says it’s important to 

remember that not all homeless people are causing the issue. There are some individuals who are making it difficult for everyone. 

“I don’t want to group all people into one basket,” says Bergen. “There are people who are homeless because their house burned down or were dealt a bad hand.”

Another topic that brought up differing opinions was new franchises coming into the community. In his presentation, Bergen argued that by simply leaving the door open for any new businesses in the community, council was putting a strain on businesses that were already established.

According to Bergen, there is about one restaurant (or registered kitchen) for every 95 people in the community. There are more than eight liquor stores and six cannabis stores, 12 pizza places and more than one of some franchises.

He believes that a lack of direction from council in this matter is making it difficult for businesses to do well. Bergen says his concern is protecting the current businesses that the town already has in place and allow them to flourish.

“A lot of these restaurant owners say that they’re one franchise away from closing their doors,” says Bergen.

Town services and the need for improvement

Bergen says that many people have also noticed a disparity in the services the Town offers the community. For example, there are a number of different “nice” things the Town has spent money on like the pumptrack, disc golf, the pool etc. However, there are some struggles with providing basic services such as regular road maintenance, weed control and pest management.

“Maybe they are doing the best they can do, or maybe they got pushed to the back burner,” says Bergen.

He says that he got a lot of feedback from those who attended the meeting. As it was his first time attempting anything like this, there was a learning curve and Bergen says he’s looking forward to making improvements at another meeting that will be held at the beginning of November.

Bergen’s plan is to present a list of complaints with possible solutions to council in November.


The Town is making some changes to its Facility Code of Conduct in an effort to ensure its facilities aren’t being misused.

Cody Rossing, the manager of enforcement and emergency management, presented council with a proposed amendment to the Code of Conduct. Rossing says the Code of Conduct was put in place in August 2016. Since council expressed concern surrounding enforcement of removing homeless individuals from the Civic Centre vestibule, administration reviewed the code and came up with some suggestions.

Rossing says there are several different prohibitions that were not included in the original Code of Conduct. Most of the changes were stronger wording surrounding loitering and failing to comply with signage. While the original code prohibited smoking, it did not mention vaping, so Rossing says they have changed that.

The wording surrounding service animals was also changed to match provincial law.

The proposed changes also give more power to facility managers when it comes to banning individuals from Town facilities. They will be able to ban individuals for up to seven days. General managers and peace officers will also be able to suspend someone for up to six months. CAOs will be able to ban someone for more than six months if necessary.

“It’s putting in those different layers so the CAO isn’t involved in everything,” says Rossing.

He says there are also changes to wording surrounding the appeals process of someone who has been banned for more than 24 hours. 

“And it clarifies that if someone is contravening their suspension or expulsion, then they are considered trespassing and law enforcement will be made aware for further actions,” says Rossing.

Councillor Colin Clarke raised concerns about the bans, asking if a ban from Town facilities meant all Town-owned buildings, even if there were tennants operating out of some of them. He says he worried that banning someone from the Omniplex might affect their ability to go to the Food Bank or other necessary services.

Hans van Klaveren, the acting CAO, says that typically the operator is setting those guidelines or rules for their building.

Councillor Tom McGee also spoke about the Warming Hearts Centre as the Town helps to fund the rent for the facility through grants.

In the end, it was decided that if a tenant wanted to have someone trespassed, they would contact Rossing and it would be treated like other businesses in the community. Their bans will only apply to Town owned and operated facilities.

“I’m glad to see we’re addressing this and putting the structure in place to give you the tools to do something about it,” says Councillor Rick Evans.

“I think that, in the end, our residents are going to appreciate our efforts to make the use of our facilities more enjoyable and safe, ultimately.”

Download your experience guide

Find out what you can do in Drayton Valley, Brazeau County and surrounding region in the 2023 Brazeau and Beyond experience guide.

Spending a weekend cycling the secondary highway in and around Brazeau County is one of the great outdoor activities that this region has to offer. Minutes outside of Drayton Valley you will find yourself on kilometers of highway that seem to continue to stretch West. Many of these highways go near small hamlets and communities in the area, they go into and come out of river valleys and on a clear day offer a beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains. 

One such circuit is the DV100 century loop. This 100km route takes you west past farmlands and through lush boreal forests, and through the small communities and hamlets that mark the birth of Alberta’s oil and gas industry. It is a loop that can be done with speed or taken at a leisurely pace, offering snack and eatery stops along the way. 

Day 1: Arrival, dinner 

Arrive at hotel: When you stay at a Drayton Valley Hospitality and Tourism hotel or campground you support local tourism initiatives in Drayton Valley and Brazeau County.

Evening ride: Stretch your legs and do the 19 km ring road multipurpose trails to Rocky Rapids. Park your vehicle at the “Welcome to Drayton Valley” derricks at the south end of town and right across the street you will be on the trails. The route will take you straight out to the hamlet of Rocky Rapids where you can stop off at the Rocky Rapids store for a snack. The original building is located at the Drayton Valley museum.

Dinner: Did you know we have over 40 different restaurants in Drayton Valley? Look at our restaurant listing in this guide.

Ricochet Aquatic Centre: Take in the steamroom and the hot tub at the local swimming pool. The pool is open until 8:00 pm most nights and will get you ready for your big century ride tomorrow. 

Day 2: The DIY DV100 

Breakfast: Take in some breakfast at your hotel or head out to one of our great breakfast venues.

DIY DV100: The DV100 is a 100 kilometre route that travels secondary highways in Brazeau County. Along the route there are several spots you can stop to regroup, take in a photo and enjoy some food. Just out of town is the Poplar Ridge Store, this is your last stop to get any supplies until you reach the community of Lodgepole about about kilometre 40. 

Arrive Lodgepole: this is a small hamlet that has a general store in the heart of town. Here you can grab a drink, and convenience store fare. There is also the hotel restaurant that is open 11-12:30 and 3-8 most days, there is also the Aud Spot for breakfast and lunch as a cash only option. 

Heading out of Lodgepole towards Cynthia there are a few great photo opportunities as you crest a hill coming up from the Pembina River Valley. This is a slog of a climb but once you crest it is smooth sailing to Cynthia.  

Near the Hamlet of Cynthia there is the ever popular Cyn City Saloon where you can get a beverage and a burger. Heading back towards Drayton Valley and Hwy 621 your next stop is 39 km away in the community of Rocky Rapids where you can stop at the store for some snacks and then back into town. 

(In the Evening)

Hotel: regroup at your hotel and get ready for the evening. 

Dinner: Drayton Valley has more than 40 different restaurants. Have a look at our listings page to decide where you want to eat. 

Drinks: Head to a patio and enjoy the sunset with an ice cold brew. Lounge patios can be found at; Khal’s Steakhouse, Boston Pizza, Mitch’s Restaurant, Oil Country Tap House, Bourbon House and Mr. Mikes. 

Day 3 Check out, walk and head home

Breakfast: Breakfast at your hotel or check out and head to a local restaurant for brunch.

Disc golf or a walk: If you want to stretch your time here in Drayton Valley, head over to Ivan To Park for a walk around the pond or a round of disc golf. The park has an 18-hole disc golf course that is open at no charge. If you’re pushed for time there’s an easy cut off to limit your round to 9 holes.  

Head home. We hope you’ve enjoyed your time in our community. Come back soon!


Staff Sergeant Ryan Hoetmer says dealing with the effects of the homeless population in the community is not simple.

Hoetmer says that the most common complaint regarding homeless individuals is about them sleeping or spending time in business entrances. That was one of the main issues raised by town council in a discussion on September 18. 

Hoetmer says RCMP involvement in removing the individual and charging them with trespassing is a bit tricky, especially in regards to private businesses. 

“The police themselves do not make a determination of whether that homeless individual can be there or not,” says Hoetmer. “That has to be the business that decides that.”

This means that someone from the business has to contact the RCMP to let them know there is an unwanted individual in the vestibule. At that point, police can attend and get the individual moving along.

However, unless the business has served trespass notices on the person causing the issue, the RCMP cannot issue fines for trespassing. 

That is also not as simple as it seems. Hoetmer says that does give the trespass notice has to be willing to pursue the entire process into court as well.

“They’ve got to show up at trial if this individual fights it,” he says. 

Hoetmer says banks, for example, are not typically interested in pursuing this as they all have nationally run security headquarters, so there’s not a lot of interest in them following those steps.

Both the Town and RCMP have met with bank managers and are encouraging them to lock their doors at night to prevent the homeless from using the vestibule as a warming space. 

Due to the lifestyle that comes with homelessness, which often includes mental health issues and addictions, the RCMP do interact with the homeless on a regular basis. 

“We get to know these individuals, but unless they are commiting crime we don’t have a lot of power,” he says.

He says the Town has asked them to have more enforcement on homeless individuals who have been banned or issued trespassing notices. 

“Our job is community safety so if that’s what the community wants to keep the community safe, we’ve agreed to do that,” says Hoetmer. 

However, that means businesses need to start following through with the process on their end. 

In regards to the Civic Centre vestibule, Hoetmer says the Town would need to start looking at trespassing individuals in order for the RCMP to begin issuing tickets.

“That is up to the Town whether they want to trespass these individuals from all Town property,” says Hoetmer.

But even with all of the businesses doing their part and the RCMP able to keep up with the enforcement, there is still more to consider.

“Enforcement has failed these individuals for years. Nobody usually becomes unsheltered without probably having had enforcement intervention for a number of years already, and it hasn’t changed anything.”

Hoetmer says there have been no complaints of physical harm caused to residents by any homeless individuals. “They can be aggressive and make people feel uncomfortable, but we have had no assaults. No reports of any sort of physical violence to anybody.”

In regards to break and enters, Hoetmer says some of the smaller property crimes are being committed by homeless individuals, but they aren’t the only ones.

“There’s other individuals in town that are not homeless that are committing those offences,” says Hoetmer. “The bigger break and enters are being committed by prolific property crime offenders.”

In regards to issuing fines for trespassing, Hoetmer says that also isn’t as simple as many believe. Those who have fines may not be able to pay them. At some point, they can be arrested, but there is no guaranteed timeline for how long the individual will stay behind bars, as they will be released first if room is needed for people convicted of more serious crimes.

In the end, the fines do not get paid.

Hoetmer says he doesn’t want the Town to “hang their hat on enforcement,” because while it can play a role in deterring homeless individuals from becoming a nuisance, it’s not the entire solution. 

“We’re going to have a role,” says Hoetmer. “Our job is keeping the community safe. So, if part of that is needing to enforce, then we will do that.”

Corb Lund and band on stage, top photo

Corb Lund plays to a packed house

Corb Lund live at the Eleanor Pickup Art Centre. A sold-out crowd enjoyed an acoustic trio set with the Hurtin’ Albertans, blending heartfelt ballads, fan favorites, and cowboy-inspired storytelling. VIP perks, exclusive merch, and a thrilling encore made this Alberta performance unforgettable

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