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North Saskatchewan River

The North Saskatchewan River is a significant waterway that runs past Drayton Valley to Edmonton and beyond. 

There are three notable access points that are in our bucket list region:

  • RR101 A (Powerhouse RD) Boggy Hall: Note access at Boggy Hall near Lodgepole will require a map or gps to find as you take a number of lease roads to access it.
  • Willey West Campground boat launch
  • Berrymoore Bridge, day use area on AB-759 

The Willey West campground boat launch and the Berrymorre Dayuse Area have designated parking areas. At any other access point, and you will be walking slippery trails or embankments to access the river so wear appropriate footwear. 

The North Saskatchewan River from Drayton Valley all the way to Devon is a Class I  river with very few rapids, but after heavy rains or floods log jams and sweepers can be a problem. The Brazeau Dam also is let out through the Brazeau River and into the North Saskatchewan River so river levels do change based on dam activity. 

The North Saskatchewan River is enjoyed by paddlers, jet boaters, bank fishers and floaters. The average flow rate is 2 km/hr to over 8 km/hr and can vary widely according to season and rain depth. 

It is important to check river flow rates before embarking on any river adventure.